12" Clone Wars Obi-Wan in CLONE ARMOR!

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I've pretty much quit collecting this line. Of which I only have a few anyway. The price just kept going up past what I was willing to pay by the time some nice OT main characters were made. If I purchase one more it will be the Stormtrooper, if it's no more than $90/$100. Though I expect there'll be a bunch of clone troopers first. So I shall wait.
I would guess that either he will be an edition of 2,000 or TDB for the exclusive. I hope they give a number right away, but they might not. And I'd still guess around 3,000 for the exclusive.

I think Sideshow is scaling back a bit on ES. But when we see regular clones and stormies I imagine the numbers will be a lot higher.
i'm ordering it....just cause its an historic figure in Sideshow's legacy.:monkey3
is anyone gonna order more then one? I was thinking of going for two if possiable to have it norm and then a AOTC obi.

I plan on getting 2. Way I figure, I want the portrait, plus there may be a way for me to slap a Hasbro Clone helmet onto the body, it might look pretty decent.
I still don't understand everyone's concerns about the PPO. I suppose this'll be THE test of the new system. If it goes as smoothly as every PPO on the new system has been, it can handle anything, if it bugs out, we expose an issue.
I still don't understand everyone's concerns about the PPO. I suppose this'll be THE test of the new system. If it goes as smoothly as every PPO on the new system has been, it can handle anything, if it bugs out, we expose an issue.

I have never sweated it until now. This one scares me for some reason. :confused:
Well I'm sure the numbers will be pretty groundbreaking, I'm going to predict it's sold out within 30 minutes.
Well I'm sure the numbers will be pretty groundbreaking, I'm going to predict it's sold out within 30 minutes.

Yeah I think so too. I missed the Luke. I was so pissed it was the first SW PPO I forgot about. I don't want to miss this one. :rock
Thankfully I have access at work. I remember the Old Ben PPO I almost missed because I was out on the road for work racing to get back. Big winter storm coming tomorrow though so I'll have nowhere to go :)
Fridays are great for me--it's my day off. I can't be at the computer all night on Thursdays any more because of work, so I have begun to miss out on newsletter preorders from time to time. A Friday PPO is fantastic for me because I am sitting around the house in my boxers with nothing better to do.
Well we dont know the edition number on this one yet either. I would guess 2008 maybe. If there are no problems I could see a 30 min sell out but if they are problems like Obi-Wan ANH then it could take a bit longer. That was a long 45 minutes for me to get my order in for that one.