12" Clone Wars Obi-Wan in CLONE ARMOR!

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indeed. But I'll not build the squads right away. For example, when the storm troopers come outm I'll get 1, perhaps two from SSC, then pick up the rest of the squad on the secondary marked one at a time, over a LONg time
Plan to have a squad of stormies, i'll probobly mix in a medi stormie and a marmit too just for good measure.
A squad of clones. and a squad of arcs.
if they do the variants, I won't get squads, but i will do honor guards ( 2 - 30 to go with thier people. 2 or 3 501st to go with Anakin, 2 or 3 Shocktroopers to go with Sidious, ETC.
Well I'm sure the numbers will be pretty groundbreaking, I'm going to predict it's sold out within 30 minutes.
I'm not going to make a prediction about the sell-out time for the Clone Wars Obi, but is 30 minutes really 'groundbreaking'? Even if I don't remember exactly what SW 12" figures sold out under 30 minutes, there where quite a few. I belive Kid Fisto and Mace Windu did better than 30 minutes. I guess 15 minutes would be groundbreaking. 30 minutes would still be fast though.
I think the price tag on Obi will make the difference. Even if this Obi sells out fast, there may be a lot of cancellations and wait-list conversions later on if he's to expensive. I don't know about "second chance" though. We'll know for sure in about 16 hours from now.
Is there any way to found out how much before it goes live???

Sadly no, seems he might be $89.99 as a retailer overseas had him listed for the same price as Indy. But thats just speculation. I'm hoping for that price, or at least no more than $125.
If he's the same price as Indy I will be very, very excited. I just hope I don't have to cancel when he ships.
I only have 2 SSC SW pieces, Jedi Luke and ROTS Obi-Wan but I'll still order this. I love the Tartovsky Clone Wars (I doubt the new movie will be as good) and I'm really curious to see the new body and armor.
I have a bad feeling about the new series as well. I would have preferred if they kept them in the same style and used cel animation again.

Just a reminder of how cool this figure is. :monkey5
I am still undecided whether to get this one.

Simply wish SSC would re-use this head sculpt, together with Padme Ilum to produce the AOTC edition of the respective characters. A twin pack might be a good idea!
I think $90 is a reasonable assumption. And I also think that you might want to be there at 10 AM so we can really put this new system to the test. Let's go for a record sellout!
No it goes up at 10a PST... just log on a few minutes (maybe 10 at the most) before hand and wait. The page will automatically update once it goes live. You don't need to be sitting around for 3 hours :lol

But the whole website does become dedicated to the pre-order.