12 inch OBI WAN KENOBI - ANH!!!

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Collector Freak said:
LOL. I'm really not.

Ummm--- yes you are.

Could you show us YOUR sculpt of Obi-Wan from ANH please?
No?... Zip it.

Zip it.



Great work Trev--- I'd shake your hand if we weren't on opposite sides of the continent. I look forward to adding this 1/6 to my collection.
DarkArtist81 said:
God man.... I really hate that you are back. You really are just the most negative bastard I've ever encountered. :lol

Josh, have a heart, brother. When you quote him, you defeat the purpose of having him on my ignore list.
DarthNeil said:
Ummm--- yes you are.

Could you show us YOUR sculpt of Obi-Wan from ANH please?
No?... Zip it.

Zip it.



I'm not a sculptor, numbnuts. My ability to create the product in question is completely irrelevant.
pickard said:
Josh, have a heart, brother. When you quote him, you defeat the purpose of having him on my ignore list.

I'm betting that I'm not actually on your ignore list, but if I am... all the better. You don't deserve to read the truth.
Collector Freak said:
I'm not a sculptor, numbnuts. My ability to create the product in question is completely irrelevant.

Just as irrelevant as your opinion.
LOL Internet fights. LOLOLOLOL

I love the way this things looking, BUT I'm a little weary of SS's "Final Product Switcharoo" I mean I'd be pretty ticked if this ended up the way Aragorn did. Amazing proto, not so amazing final. I still have hope though.
Collector Freak said:
Well you're in Canada, so of course you think that.

Yes--- we have a tendency to think and form an opinion not just fire out insults and talk, like an expert, about things we have no business being critical about.
DarthNeil said:
Yes--- we have a tendency to think and form an opinion not just fire out insults and talk, like an expert, about things we have no business being critical about.

Interesting, as you're doing the same thing about... me.
Collector Freak said:
Interesting, as you're doing the same thing about... me.

But I've already formed an opinion after carefully reading your insult-laden negative posts.
DarthNeil said:
But I've already formed an opinion after carefully reading your insult-laden negative posts.

Just as I form opinions about collectibles being offered to me. Even though it's a different opinion, it's no less valid than any other.

I commend plenty of products when it is due. It's those comments, however, that are always conveniently passed over.
Collector Freak said:
I'm not a sculptor, numbnuts. My ability to create the product in question is completely irrelevant.


:lol :rotfl :lol :rotfl

You have a right to an opinion, we know that.... but your opinion is always negative. All the years I have been here, you've been happy about 1 or 2 things....ever. And it was a very short comment.

It's great to have an opinion... but it just seems like you WANT to be a troll...
Collector Freak said:
Just as I form opinions about collectibles being offered to me. Even though it's a different opinion, it's no less valid than any other.

I commend plenty of products when it is due. It's those comments, however, that are always conveniently passed over.

If any of SS's 12" figures deserves credit, its this one.
Smudger9 said:
If any of SS's 12" figures deserves credit, its this one.

Nope. It's Anakin with prototype paint. And the head of Padme that we saw a while ago.


I hated Sideshow for a while after this catastrophe.
There are two folks here at SF that are regularly singled out and picked on as not having a valid opinion: THE JOSH and COLLECTOR FREAK.

In reality you don't need to be an expert sculptor to comment on Sideshow's work. Both of these guys have a right to express what they like and what they dislike. Contrary to popular opinion I have seen Josh say he didn't like some Sideshow product and I have seen CF praise some Sideshow efforts.

Collector Freak said:
Nope. It's Anakin with prototype paint. And the head of Padme that we saw a while ago.


I hated Sideshow for a while after this catastrophe.

Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one.... Anakin was a masterwork with the proto paint. When I saw the final figure I was really really upset. Biggest issue I have ever had with SSC paint apps.
Collector Freak said:
Just as I form opinions about collectibles being offered to me. Even though it's a different opinion, it's no less valid than any other.

I commend plenty of products when it is due. It's those comments, however, that are always conveniently passed over.

Opinions are always valid--- if we didn't make comments on our likes and dislikes we'd be mindless drones a la Hasbro 3 3/4 devotees who buy every recoloured clone trooper.

Having said that I have never seen you write something positive and your criticism in fact come across as non-constructive and downright nasty.

The ANH Obi-Wan is a phenomenal sculpt--- My opinion... Your opinion is valid--just temper it with the understanding that the real Sir Alec can't be shrunk down and shipped to everyone.