12 inch OBI WAN KENOBI - ANH!!!

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snakebeater said:
never seen an indiana jones film in my life... did go on the ride at disney land though.. that was quite fun.
Good lord, man!

Grab Raiders of the Lost Ark and a bag of popcorn, and get to it!
Sachiel said:
I hope they fix the undershirt. It should be the same material they used for the other jedi. And tailored different around the neck area. What they're using is way off. Cutting corners?:rolleyes:

I do agree with you on the undersirt... hopefully thats addressed. But if it is the worst part of the figure I'll live.

And Snakebeater! Stop beating your snake and get watching Indiana Jones!!!
Well after seeing the new luke my hopes it's gonna look like those pics we see in this thread are gone.The trend just isn't stopping.(but heres hoping it does..cause i gotta have me some old ben)
Seth Gecko said:
Well after seeing the new luke my hopes it's gonna look like those pics we see in this thread are gone.The trend just isn't stopping.(but heres hoping it does..cause i gotta have me some old ben)
I wouldn't worry too much. Faces with that much wrinkle detail tend to fare pretty well through the production process. It's the hair and beard that will suffer, but I don't expect it will be too bad.
The more I look at Old Ben especially the QTVR makes me wish he would be ready to ship now. I can't wait to get him and place him with my EP3 Obi-Wan to capture the two most important moments in this characters life.
jlcmsu said:
The more I look at Old Ben especially the QTVR makes me wish he would be ready to ship now. I can't wait to get him and place him with my EP3 Obi-Wan to capture the two most important moments in this characters life.

exactly what I wanna do..
I understand where people come from on the super accuracy and nit picking, but just remember where our collections are evolving from:


I cannot say how much I admire this Obi Wan. He is spectacular. I could give up all my figures now for this one. I do not have the 1/4 Obi but from pics I like this sculpt better. I cannot wait to get him!
JohnyBoo said:
I do not have the 1/4 Obi but from pics I like this sculpt better.

There is a deffinate mix of sculpting styles between 1/4 and 1/6

Mat Falls' style on human faces seems a bit softer and a little, I hate using the word but I can't think of anything else, simplistic.


Trev's style is very detailed down to the finest of lines, you can especially see that difference in each's style of making the hair and beard.


I like both artists and both sculpts are amazing. Of the two though, I prefer Trev's style, I'm a fine details lover personally and his sculpt delivers what I like to see. Mat's style works great on Luke Skywalker though.
MaulFan said:
There is a deffinate mix of sculpting styles between 1/4 and 1/6

Mat Falls' style on human faces seems a bit softer and a little, I hate using the word but I can't think of anything else, simplistic.


Trev's style is very detailed down to the finest of lines, you can especially see that difference in each's style of making the hair and beard.


I like both artists and both sculpts are amazing. Of the two though, I prefer Trev's style, I'm a fine details lover personally and his sculpt delivers what I like to see. Mat's style works great on Luke Skywalker though.

you're comparing a production piece to a prototype though.. and with SST's long history of change in production.. we'll have to wait and see which one is the definitive sculpt when it comes out.

don't get me wrong though, I love this sculpt.. love this figure.. just hope it looks the same.
JustinLuck said:
The undershirt looks like the one they used for the T-800.
Exactly. If it somehow is new, it was a waste.

Mualfan, please, that's no excuse (about the comparison of Hasbro). They got it right on the PF figure. And being a larger scale is also no excuse. Also I never collected the Hasbro figures because they were horrible with big heads (SSC too) and everything else.

Problem is they're trying to make these affordable, but the price went up anyways.

I love the costumes, that's why I'm making a big deal about this. It can be done or atleast closer than what's been released.

If Medicom was making any of the heroes I'd be quiet(er), but Sideshow seems to be making a lot of figures they wouldn't even touch. I'm not asking for perfection, but something a lot closer to the source material than what's been given and a figure that didn't look like it grabbed any size shirt off the rack and threw it on.

Other companies know how to make a visually appealing figure and costume, but it seems people just look at SSC and Hasbro. I feel these figures are just a premium format figure of Hasbro's. Not their own. The crappy buck body doesn't seem to help either, but I doubt that's why the clothing looks so bad.
snakebeater said:
you're comparing a production piece to a prototype though.. and with SST's long history of change in production.. we'll have to wait and see which one is the definitive sculpt when it comes out.

don't get me wrong though, I love this sculpt.. love this figure.. just hope it looks the same.

Regardless of what detail may be lost in production, you can still see a big difference in styles, look at production Han and Luke and then look at produciton Obi and Anakin, Mat and Andy are very different and you can get a sense of who sculpts which, even Oluf stands out, they have their techniques, and I like Mat's work, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying his style is softer compared to some others that have a more detailed, rigid technique.
MaulFan said:
Regardless of what detail may be lost in production, you can still see a big difference in styles, look at production Han and Luke and then look at produciton Obi and Anakin, Mat and Andy are very different and you can get a sense of who sculpts which, even Oluf stands out, they have their techniques, and I like Mat's work, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying his style is softer compared to some others that have a more detailed, rigid technique.

lol yeah I understand, but it's a win win for me.. as I'm a 1/6th collector..
Sachiel said:
Mualfan, please, that's no excuse (about the comparison of Hasbro).

I'm not justifying or excusing, I'm just pointing out that up until a year ago, those are the quality of figures we had, and maybe the figures aren't up to the par some people envision, but it still can't be denied that the quality of figures in this scale has made great leaps, and people can't see areas for further growth where they will, but we are getting better product than ever before, for Star Wars, regardless of what's out there. And people can say what they will about the bucks, but other than the neck joints and (like HT) the tighter joints, the articulation in the arms doesn't do anything for me and the wrists are absolutely useless until they get articulation on 2 axis like HT and SSC.