goodie we should see the 3rd revealed shortly before the world explodes on Dec 21st (or 23rd) 2012
No, there are at least 2 more that I am aware of (and no I can't say what they are... been there, done that, got the bruises from SSC.)
OK...without wading through this entire thread....where was it mentioned that Indy is delayed til October? I saw the CW Kenobi delay in last night's newsletter but didn't see the mention of Indy...or did I skim right past it? (These 16 hour workdays are killin' me)...
If so, this fall is gonna be killer on the wallet...but at least Indy could be timed for the KOTCS DVD / BR release...
I hope they spend that time finding the perfect faux leather for the jacket.
As long as the wait means something better when he arrives, I'm for them taking as long as they need....