I think as long as you didn't despise KOTC, you can find joy in figures from it. I liked it least of the Indy series, but I did like it, but despite it's ranking with me, I'd still like an old Indy, Mutt in his biker geart done well would be nice, some Russians even. So-so movies can still breed great figures, sometimes figures can be even better than the character came off in the movie if done right.
I will say, if Sideshow delivers on it's line like it ought to, this SDCC is going to be HUGE, biggest ever. If you get 2-3 new Indy figures, 2-3 new LOTR figures, 2-3 new Star Wars figures, the 1/6 offering alone will be astonishing, and that's just the majore lines, you could see 2-3 more Dead offerings or 1 offs like Lara. I'm hoping this will be a significant leap forward SDCC that really opens things up, much as my wallet will hate that, my inner geek would love it.