I never thought of that. Hmmm......so who's the guy supplying the poo, Eli?
My guess is batty

I never thought of that. Hmmm......so who's the guy supplying the poo, Eli?
I was seriously just interested in everyone's opinions.
What did it have to do with the Stand Your Ground law? Is he pleading that in his defense?
My question for people who oppose this law is: do you think it should be illegal for a man to defend himself with deadly force if he is assaulted?
Wash your damn hands.![]()
A door to door salesman was shot and killed by a man in FL. It's a pretty horrible story, but I wanted to see what you guys would think about it. Again, not trying to start anything... just curious.
Personally, I think that this is what happens when "stand your ground" laws collide with a society that breeds fear in our citizens. If the man had not deemed it necessary to be armed, and has not been so paranoid to think that a salesman was a maniac... that man would still be alive. But that is just my opinion.
Might as well shoot everyone then because they're all potential threats.![]()
Might as well shoot everyone then because they're all potential threats.![]()
Yes... he claims that he feared for his life, because he said the man had something in his hand (sales pamphlets more than likely).. and after the man was shot and was yelling back at him, he shot him in the back of the head.
I don't mind a law that allows someone to defend themselves if assaulted.. that is fine... But cases like this show that the law is severely flawed and needs to be amended or something. What's next? Someone shoots the paperboy because they thought he had a stick of dynamite?
I am assuming you read the article since you posted it for everyone to see. But I have to ask if you have ever actually read the stand your ground law? It is very easy to see that this particular incident does not meet the stand your ground requirements. Anyone who reads the story can see that. So posting this story to back the claim that the stand your ground law is severely flawed and needs to be amended is tantamount to propaganda, or an attempt to flame the conversation.
Why won't he do any time? He fatally shot a man twice for brandishing pamphlets.
And the world just goes on spinning...
This new "joker" had an arsenal of about 25 firearms at his residence, including semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns, according to a police affidavit. Police said he also had high powered scopes and magazines and thousands of rounds of ammunition in "40 large steel boxes."
I still think some of you are arguing the wrong point. It is very far-fetched to say that the clown who shot the door-to-door salesman is going to get a light sentence or no sentence due to this law. If you read the law...he isn't even close to covered by it so anyone arguing that it is a bad law actually has absolutely no argument. The court is easily going to reject the defense. It is a no-brainer. He is going down for 2nd degree murder. I hope they find a way to give him 1st degree. But I doubt that will happen.