One of the victims had a horrible feeling about another situation she was in earlier in June, and left the scene. Apparently two people were killed and 6 were injured. She had a bad feeling and left as a result. Talk about spooky.
Yeah we mentioned that a few pages back before things started to get out of hand.It's pretty scary to think about isn't it?It's like death followed her since she cheated it the first time with a similar shooting incident.
I find it very hard to believe it would be cheaper to house and feed this guy for 50+ years than it would be to execute him.
You? Do you really think gun control keep guns out of the hands of criminals?
Some of the strictest gun control laws in our country are in San Francisco, but look up the violent crimes involving shootings for SF. All it does is create victims who are unable to defend themselves against violence.
You? You're blaming this tradegy on the few gun laws America has? Now? Is this really the time and forum to argue for LESS gun laws? Before any of the facts are in or before the wounded are out of danger, you want to use this tradegy to advance an agenda of the NRA?
Stay classy.
This is such BS. Whoever this attention seeking idiot is, he took a great moment in movie history, and turned into something that the media will be talking about forever now. We won't be hearing about how great the movie is, we'll be hearing all about this damn shooting.
I used to be for gun control, but in the last 5 years, i have come to realize that nammagazine is right - since there are so many guns in the system already (in the US), all gun control will do is prevent responsible people from owning them to defend themselves against idiots like this guy. This is not meant to be political, it was just a response to what axecutioner posted.
Very sad. I can't say I'm shocked this happened and less shocked this would happen at a Nolan batman movie. The vitriol surrounding his batman films is crazy, it breeds crazy, and hell you got idiots like rush limbaugh making crazy statements, etc. With crazy it doesn't take much to light that fuse.
You? Do you really think gun control keep guns out of the hands of criminals?
Some of the strictest gun control laws in our country are in San Francisco, but look up the violent crimes involving shootings for SF. All it does is create victims who are unable to defend themselves against violence.
Bravo! right on Nam!
so it was this guy?
Wasn't there a guy dressed like the Joker, stabbing people in a hopspital nursery somewhere in Europe after TDK?
Very sad. I can't say I'm shocked this happened and less shocked this would happen at a Nolan batman movie. The vitriol surrounding his batman films is crazy, it breeds crazy, and hell you got idiots like rush limbaugh making crazy statements, etc. With crazy it doesn't take much to light that fuse.