I love how everyone says that a gun in your home can provide adequate protection. I have a shotgun in my closet but if someone kicks open my door while I am watching TV I am screwed. The only way it would work out for me is if they had trouble getting in and I had time to run to my closet and grab the thing.
And now that I have a son I keep it unloaded and the shells in a separate location. So I would have to take the time to load it before I could use it.
And besides, how many children have killed themselves with their parents guns? And how many people have murdered their spouses or friends when enraged because they had the gun available?
I am not advocating completely taking away guns, but we should make it at least as hard as it is to get a license or certification. It's far too easy to get them. We need tighter controls.
If I have to jump through a million hoops, take tests, be tested physically and mentally, and pay hundreds of dollars to teach children.... I think people should have to do the same at the very least if they want to own a weapon.