Do you really go through life thinking it can't? Countless stories on the internet, Search for them. One that gets me is one that happened about 2 years ago. 2 ex cons followed a doctor home. Waited until dark and broke in. Beat him nearly to death, tied his daughters and his wife to their beds, raped the younger one who I think was 12 at the time, then burned the house down with the kids and wife still tied to their beds. Husband survived. If you don't think something like this can happen to you then I truly feel for you then.
Some of you make it sound like guns are the only good option in home invasions. A good security system,a big dog, self defense and being aware of your surroundings will prevent a large amount of home break ins alone. Not even having a gun would do much if someone plans long enough to break into your home.
If you're not afraid of your government then you're not paying attention.
seriously? As F'd up as this country is, I'm not afraid of the govt, but I sure as hell don't like them. You sound like Dale from King of the Hill. I don't know anyone that's "scared" of the govt

My mom called me about it this morning and wondered why someone didn't realize the suspect needed psychological help. I told her that if you're to the point that you start to plan out crap like this, it might be no return from it. That said, if I was a movie goer and had a chance to take a shot, I would
I hope it's a point blank shot then.
Good point. My wife just asked me what I would've done if this happened to us in the theater. I told her I'd throw her down, and push her ass as fast as possible. She was surprised, and asked why I wouldn't shoot at the guy. I replied that because of the possibility of hitting someone else, or even one of the little kids, that I would only shoot at the person if I saw them directly coming towards us.
I hope all gun owners would take the same stance in this situation.
What if you saw his back turned to you with a clear line of fire?
I think most people would, but in this circumstance, I doubt it would've been a good idea with so many people all over the place, smoke and darkness. Not to mention, the guy is wearing full armor from head to toe, so you shoot, it does nothing, he turns around and kills you. If one is capable of it, tackling the guy and holding him down would be a better idea imo. Just make sure you get wrist control

Why did he tell the police about the ****ytrapped apt?
I don't believe he did? I don't remember, but I believe they stumbled upon that themselves. They knew something was a miss with the loud music I assume.