I didn't notice anyone bashing life in the USA - just debating the issue of gun control and why from their own experiences they agree or don't agree with it.
Many from other countries are watching the news on this story and people are being interviewed, polls are being done about whether people are now nervous to go to a movie theater....and no surprise there - many are. Even a few members here said they felt uneasy about seeing Batman for fear of a copy cat killer. So really, he's getting info from news and interviews and polls of US citizens saying they are now skeptical about going to the movies.....So actually, his statement of him going to a movie in Canada without fear, unlike many Americans, has some validity to it.
I don't live my life in fear-- I live in Canada where guns are not viewed as a god-given right and the boogeyman isn't out to get me. Violence happens here too-- but guns are primarily viewed as being used for hunting and home defense.
I'm glad that you live your life without fear with a gun. I live my life without fear without a gun. I think fundamentally it comes down to your country being founded by guns while mine was founded through dialogue. It's sad that some only feel safe with guns. There is absolutely no reason why a guy can acquire the weapons and ammunitions that he did so easily. Cars killing people is a flawed argument. Toasters also kill people who like their toast in the bathtub-- I don't know too many toasters though that dispense 60 pieces of toast per minute.
So you're saying that as a citizen here in the US, his post as a citizen of Canada has validity because people are scared to go to a movie because of overreaction, and nothing he stated-or even the way he stated it- is offensive?
No, that post is completely prejudiced about an aspect of American life vs how it is in Canada. A very small percentage of Americans are scared to go see the movie because of this shooting, not the entire country as someone stated earlier. Those post aren't valid, they're bias prejudices spewed out by a citizen from another country who has no clue about life in the US, but feel they have knowledge of the inner workings of this country.