For real, you're simple. We're all well aware that though there is a queen, there is also an elected government in place to run the country. The fact of the matter is, there's still a royal family.
You want to make snide little comments about life in the US and our gun ownership laws, and how Canadians have no fear to go to a movie but Americans do. You also insinuate we're a violent society founded on violence. Not the case.
And yeah, the US is a great buffer zone for Canada. The illegal immigration from the south of us will eventually work its way into Canada, but for now it's great the US is filtering that out for them. It has nothing to do with Canada's lack of support in the Middle East.
And don't care what you said in French there. I have zero reason to learn a second language because all road signs in the US are in English. It's this country's soul language. Anyone learning another language does so of their own free will.
You can sit up there in your little security bubble watching negative news about life in the US and make all the naive assumptions you want. Nothing anyone says on a toy forum will change your bias opinion. But one thing the US is never accussed of being is cowards. Canada on the other hand is viewed as a cowardice country that hides behind the US. Not my opinion, but it is a general opinion of your country by those who don't live in it.
Wow. You've just proven something about yourself.