Super Freak
Is your country in a state of war currently (from foreign or domestic)? Was this act (the shooting in Aurora) an act that can be connected to this attack (foreign or domestic)? That would be a key difference in referencing the IRA situation. If Al-Qaeda took up residence in the US and military were setting up checkpoints everywhere and asking for ID to check citizenship, forcing people to prove their identity -- wait, I've just described New Mexico and Arizona (I kid... I kid...).
It's hard having a debate when the statistics are so varied and can be used in such a variety of ways-- but then that's stats for you.
the point is gun control doesn't reduce mass killings. Here are some more from Canada
Bandidos Massacre
Pig Farmer massacre (Robert Pickton)
Shell Lake Murders
Dishonorable Muslim Mass Murder in Canada
The Winnipeg, Manitoba killings of aboriginal women have occurred in the dozens
no country is immune to psychos to want to kill people. There seem to be more in the US because we have much more people, and a news media that sensationalizes everything. And apparently people in other countries that look judgmentally at everything we do with a microscope.