The IRA were/are a problem. The FLQ were a problem... but the US haven't had an organized (and I don't mean a couple of wackos) group demanding independence have they, in recent decades?
For all intents and purposes the IRA attacks are no different than some of the attacks taking place in Irag right now-- are you going to compare violence in Iraq to violence at home in the US?
Weren't people in this thread categorizing the US as being the wild wild west and these types of attacks happen all the time? They get sensationalized a whole lot more, but there are just as many nutbags around the world committing more vile acts. When you can fix those mass killings, feel free to come help us with ours.
1. _The country was founded on simple men who took up arms against a trained armed forces. _Seemed to turn out pretty well for them, don't see why it couldn't again if needed to be.
This is just conjecture really. We are living in a different world. Maybe you're right. But you could also be wrong.
Better safe then sorry. If precedent holds that it worked, then there is at least more backing the premise then against it.
2. _The if it gets bad everyone is in trouble line has got the be the stupidest thing I have ever read. _So if it gets bad your just going to pack it in and give up. _Great, get the hell out of the way while I fight for me freedom. _
You have missed the point entirely. I am not saying we should "pack it in". I'm just suggesting that if the entire nation descends into anarchy, we will all be in trouble and maybe instead of being so fixated on your right to bear arms, why not consider the preventative measures?
The two are not mutually exclusive. We continue to work on preventative measures while at the same time continuing to enjoy our right to bear arms.
3. _I don't know if you have checked lately but our Constitutional safeguards are slowly getting eroded. _I also find it ironic you want to use Constitutional Safeguards as your defense for destroying the 2nd Amendment _
Yes. You may argue that some of your constitutional rights as enshrined in your bill of rights are being eroded over the years like freedom of religion where your courts have ended up using it as a double edged sword to preserve freedom of religion as well as freedom from religion. But please take note that your American constitutional safeguards are NOT being eroded. The constitution doesn't just contain the bill of rights. It also sets out the framework for your system of democratic government. It sets out the checks and balances and the administration of the judiciary, executive and legislature. These things are set in stone and cannot be changed easily. These are your constitutional safeguards that preserves the democratic system of government. And in order for these safeguards to work, people have to respect the rule of law. Do you understand what the rule of law is? If people do not respect the rule of law then we can throw the constitution out of the window because it's just a bunch of papers.
I don't know how much you pay attention to politics in America, but branches of our government are already ignoring parts of the Constitution. The Constitution provide for Congress to make the laws and the Executive branch to uphold them, while the Supreme Court decides if the laws are constitutional. The Executive Branch of late had decided is does not wish to enforce the laws passed by Congress that it disagrees with. If our own government isn't respecting the rule of law, can you really assume the rest of the people will? How many riots have we seen over the years? Even the occupy movement has had its issues of ignoring the rule of law. I choose to respect the rule of law, and I am also prepared to deal with those that choose not to should it affect me.
4. _When was the last time you saw a Government protest here in the US with guns? _Seems your the one trying to use rhetoric in a desperate attempt to seem smarter then everyone else. _
Irrelevant personal attack won't win you any arguments.
Maybe not, but the actual point will. We have not had any Government protests in the US with guns. Can't say that about many many countries around the world.
5. _You know why African Warlords are able to have so much power and cut a swath of destruction through their country? _Because they have all the guns. _Do you really think everyday African people would just sit back and take it if they were well armed? Probably the dumbest thing I have read in this thread.
So if the poor victims can get hold of guns then they can fight back? Wait...actually that's already happening. Have you heard of warring factions in Somalia and south Sudan? When everyone thinks they can let guns do the talking all is lost! You may say oh but I am noble I won't use my guns to take advantage of my weak neighbour's. But everyone says that don't they.
Um, yeah. If a victim has a gun they can absolutely fight back. Warring factions have all been armed by the faction leaders with political agendas. Everyday people who want a civil government do not have guns. The warlords are careful to only arm the people that will follow them. Look at Cuba, look at China. Do you think those people enjoy living their lives without any personal liberties? Why don't you think they fight back? Could it be because the government has all the guns? I know a lot of people who have guns and so far know of no one who has taken advantage of a weaker neighbor. I do however know a couple of people who have come to their defense.