12" Sideshow Henry Jones Sr

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Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

A TLC Indy would have to be 100% new. New sculpt, hat, pants, jacket, shirt etc.... If each is kept as screen accurate as possible to each film with specific items that go with it I can see buying all four "adventure gear" Indys, no prob. I can't see Sideshow rehashing the same pants and belts for all the films and expect us to pay 90-100 bucks ea. though.

TLC Indy with tie and some sort of movie item. TOD Indy with ripped shirt, a touch of blood, machette etc and so on.... If each is done true to each film I'll be hooked...

Except that they already screwed up some minor details on the Raiders Indy. Not to mention that it has not sold out. Not sure that it's a smart move to reproduce basically the same figure and outfit except "now with tie and vase!" :lol. A casual fan probably wouldn't double dip like that. Maybe as a low ed exclusive or something or once everyone else has been done.

Now any ToD Indy would be something unique and :rock.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

That unpainted sculpt looks phenomenal. I'm not that impressed with the rest of the figure though. The paint isn't doing anything for me (lips seem too dark, in one of the pics one of the eyes looks seriously off - could just be the photo though), the suit fabric looks a little thick and the suit itself seems over-sized/baggy, and I prefer the Medicom glasses - or at least the way the glasses work with the sculpt (again, SS's look too big or something?)
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Might have just passed over it, it's in a mix of photos, or maybe if you were clicking the next feature in the image browser it skipped one, regardless, we're fortunate to have hat and hatless options, and I think it looks good in scale, not oversize, looks right sitting on his head.

I almost wish it had a voice chip if nothing else to have the first line from him, "Junior."
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Except that they already screwed up some minor details on the Raiders Indy. Not to mention that it has not sold out. Not sure that it's a smart move to reproduce basically the same figure and outfit except "now with tie and vase!" :lol. A casual fan probably wouldn't double dip like that. Maybe as a low ed exclusive or something or once everyone else has been done.

Now any ToD Indy would be something unique and :rock.

WHEN they do both I bet they will be under a 1000 es. ToD might be a little more but I bet LC will be pretty low.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

WHEN they do both I bet they will be under a 1000 es. ToD might be a little more but I bet LC will be pretty low.

:lol I hear you. I suppose it would be easy enough to do and there's enough of a die hard market that they'd sell at least as well as German Indy.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Might have just passed over it, it's in a mix of photos, or maybe if you were clicking the next feature in the image browser it skipped one, regardless, we're fortunate to have hat and hatless options, and I think it looks good in scale, not oversize, looks right sitting on his head.

I almost wish it had a voice chip if nothing else to have the first line from him, "Junior."

Nah, it was my own bad. That's what happens when you're up at 6am and don't crash until 4:30am the following morning because you're too busy painting eyebrows on a headsculpt of your father-in-law (he's a retired Green Beret). Thought I'd swing by the site and take a peek at the figure I POd when the newsletter went up before crashing.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

A TLC Indy would have to be 100% new. New sculpt, hat, pants, jacket, shirt etc.... If each is kept as screen accurate as possible to each film with specific items that go with it I can see buying all four "adventure gear" Indys, no prob. I can't see Sideshow rehashing the same pants and belts for all the films and expect us to pay 90-100 bucks ea. though.

TLC Indy with tie and some sort of movie item. TOD Indy with ripped shirt, a touch of blood, machette etc and so on.... If each is done true to each film I'll be hooked...

Psst...Sideshow...let Hot Toys sculpt one of the other Indy's for you! :gun
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Psst...Sideshow...let Hot Toys sculpt one of the other Indy's for you! :gun

They've got Trevor for that. Let Hot Toys paint it! :whip

Exactly, and quite frankly, I think Trevor has a better talent for embodying the character within the portrait than anyone at Hot Toys, those guys capture anatomical accurracy but they don't bring subtle, character representing emotion to their portraits all the time, that's a gift Trevor brings to the table time and again.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I haven't bought anything non-SW for a while. The head sculpt is too good to be missed. This is a sure buy for me.:gun
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I've been kind of going back and forth on this one. Don't get me wrong, this looks like a great figure overall, but there is just something a little off to me that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's just the images, but he looks a little "stumpy" or something. The unpainted headsculpt is fabulous, definitely Connery, but painted it looks a little less fabulous (and kind of like Malcolm McDowell to me in some shots). I love all of the accesories though, something sorely lacking with Medicom's. Anyway, I don't want to stir the whole Medi vs SS pot but I think I will be sticking with my Medi version of Henry for now and maybe try to pick up some of the accessories from the SS version. I have too much stuff in the pipe right now (Stormtrooper Luke/Han, Vader, Lando) to really justify another Henry and I am satisfied with Medicom's.