12" Sideshow Henry Jones Sr

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Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Some of SS finer efforts have been grey bearded males... Gandalf and Old Ben. Might be silly to assume Henry Sr. will follow suit but I like the way the proto looks!....

I might be set with my limit of pre-orders for 09'.... Between Vader, Han and Luke, Sandtrooper (waitlisted), German Indy, Henry Sr., Joker DX I'll have very little room for any spontaneous purchases...
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Pass...with everything coming out, I'm going to stay strictly Indy in the Indiana Jones line.

Besides,I can see this going for really cheap later on. You can find Indy himself for like $50-$60 on eBay BRAND NEW!
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Some of SS finer efforts have been grey bearded males... Gandalf and Old Ben. Might be silly to assume Henry Sr. will follow suit but I like the way the proto looks!....

I might be set with my limit of pre-orders for 09'.... Between Vader, Han and Luke, Sandtrooper (waitlisted), German Indy, Henry Sr., Joker DX I'll have very little room for any spontaneous purchases...

Haha understandable, I am like double that amount of preorders for this year, no clue what I am going to do. :)
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Pass...with everything coming out, I'm going to stay strictly Indy in the Indiana Jones line.

Besides,I can see this going for really cheap later on. You can find Indy himself for like $50-$60 on eBay BRAND NEW!

Yeah, but this is the exclusive with the Grail tablet! That's the main reason I decided to jump in. I was afraid that the exclusive version might not be available or too expensive down the line. I know they haven't introduced a regular version, which is weird, but I decided not to take the chance.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

The Medicom's suit does do a better job of imitating the herringbone, but unless you're looking at them side by side, you really don't notice the deficencies. I prefer the tie on the SSC one though.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Will there be a regular version of Henry? Is this something Sideshow has done before--put out a regular version after selling the exclusive, or just having an exclusive version and no regular?
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Eh. I canceled Henry. It looks nice enough but something tells me that I will be able to find him later on without much of an issue.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I guess it makes sense that they don't bother putting the regular up for sale til they sell out the exclusive first.

The Mike, already? That must be one of the fastest pre-order/cancel moves ever!
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Haha understandable, I am like double that amount of preorders for this year, no clue what I am going to do. :)

I've held back preordering some figures I would love to have. Original Predator, Terminator Salvation endos and John Conner, HT Hellboy (though I've been looking on eBay for a deal) and who know what HT Wolverine will be like.... damnit :monkey2
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

This looks like a great figure. I find it hard to believe that the production paint job will be as nice, but other than that this looks great.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I guess the Last Crusade Indy will come with the other half of the tablet, yes?
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Pre-ordered. Damn. I thought there was no way I was getting into the Indy line.

I figured I would just try to search for a decent statue or two (Even thought the Indy sculpt is amazing, I don't like any PF because they are just too big in my opinion. Not a fan of 1/4 scale. Where do you guys find the room for them??).

Anyway, the Henry Jones just looked too good to pass up, so I went and purchased a SS Indy on ebay last night as well for $60 shipped. I've seen what kind of custom mods are out there and they are soo so good, that I'm thinking I could do some similar things to mine (although I would need to send out the head for a repaint or resculpt as I have never tried anything like that). I'm artistic, but I have just never been into 1/6 scale until recently, so I would be hesitant to do anything (plus I don't have the materials, paint, etc.).

officially addicted
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I guess the Last Crusade Indy will come with the other half of the tablet, yes?

There isn't one. In the movie, the entire marker is on the dead knight's shield. THAT would be a cool exclusive for a TLC Indy! That, or the Cross of Coronado.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

The tailoring of the suit will be key for me. The sculpt is amazing. The little "extras" included are great, as are the glasses (which I can see going for a pretty penny from the loose parts dealers, as Toht is going to need 'em as well...)

But what will make this figure stand out is the suit. Medicom's looks bulky and out of scale due to the thickness of the material. SS's proto-pics show their suit as more to-scale, even though the "herringbone" pattern may not be as apparent. I'll take scale over pattern any day.

Pre-ordered the exclusive last night. I hope this one survives without any production disappointments...
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I guess the Last Crusade Indy will come with the other half of the tablet, yes?

There is no other half, Henry Sr. comes with the Tablet from Donovan's office.

The full inscription is taken from the knights shield in Venice, not the other piece of the tablet, that piece is just gone forever.