17 teen girls pregnant in glouster high school...what the hell is going on?

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Oct 11, 2005
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Pensacola, Florida
are you freaking kidding me??
i was watching fox [its my favorite sitcom] and i saw this story run. Its about 17 girls that made a pact to get pregnant so they could raise their children together. one of the father's was a 24 year old homeless man. Now what the frak is going on in our culture?! Right after the story aired i also heard that Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth [TAKING ALL BETS TO HOW LONG IT TAKES TILL THIS HAPPENS AGAIN!] Is it something in the water or are our kids just getting more retarded by the hour?

What ever happened to "the talk"? what ever happened to not raising your child like a whore or a pimp? It just really phases my mind on how retarded our kids are getting nowadays. How do you feel about this story?

thats ^^^^ed up , I actually feel sorry for them. They haven't a clue what they have just done obviously. Its not there fault really. They have obviously been raised like ^^^^ to want to do something like this for attention.
what's messed up is, you'll probably see way more across the world doing the same thing. a disturbing trend that eliminates the father equation. i would have killed to have my dad around and more involved when i was a kid instead of working all the time. these mothers are making a choice not to have a father involved. single parent families have to make do because of circumstances that happen in life, but by choice is phasing out the father figure in these kid's lives. a lot of teens just don't have any sense.
This is want is happening Champ!
They haven't a clue what they have just done obviously. Its not there fault really. They have obviously been raised like ^^^^ to want to do something like this for attention.

I can't agree with any of that. They do have a clue, definitely, on how to get it done. It is their fault, and how do you know how they have been raised?

Now I will proceed to stick my own foot in my mouth. I dare say they have learnt sex education at school, and they probably have learnt about the system through the same means.

Being fairly young, they may still be clinging to their own childhoods, where they played the mother with their dolls, and perhaps were molly coddled, to the point where they are now living, partly in fantasy land. They probably see their rolls in life as being a mother. Maybe they see this as their ticket to a free ride, on the taxpayers back, under single mother pensions and welfare aid, and as a back up, on the fathers legal liability to pay maintenance. Yes, I am assuming much but I see it more and more, and I'd even say my own daughter became pregnant to her partner, as a learned from mother experience, and as a way to get out of work. Even then I can't be entirely certain of her motives, because I'm so cynical myself.

In the end, experience is the master teacher, and these girls will get plenty of that.
are you freaking kidding me??
i was watching fox [its my favorite sitcom] and i saw this story run. Its about 17 girls that made a pact to get pregnant so they could raise their children together. one of the father's was a 24 year old homeless man. Now what the frak is going on in our culture?! Right after the story aired i also heard that Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth [TAKING ALL BETS TO HOW LONG IT TAKES TILL THIS HAPPENS AGAIN!] Is it something in the water or are our kids just getting more retarded by the hour?

What ever happened to "the talk"? what ever happened to not raising your child like a whore or a pimp? It just really phases my mind on how retarded our kids are getting nowadays. How do you feel about this story?


I think this answers your question.................trash!
thats ^^^^ed up , I actually feel sorry for them. They haven't a clue what they have just done obviously. Its not there fault really. They have obviously been raised like ^^^^ to want to do something like this for attention.

I don't feel sorry for them one bit.. I feel sorry for the kids that are going to have terrible 17 year old moms and will probably be pawned off on their grandparents or even worse.
What a huge mistake. :monkey4

I was happy thinking people were choosing to have less kids these days. I hope this doesn't become a trend. What's with girls always wanting to be mothers? Do they have low self esteem and wish for unconditional love? If so - :monkey4 I will never let my little seedlings into the likes of one of these hoochies.
as Chris Rock said,
"when a kid calls his grandma Mom and his momma Pam, somebody's not doing their job.."
I read some more about this story on Time.com... apparently a girl at that school who'd gotten pregnant and had her baby a year before was being approached by some of these girls and they were saying things like "You're so lucky!" and "Someone who'll love you for the rest of your life." Sounds like these girls are just looking for someone to love them unconditionally. The article also sez something about a large percent of the school kids come from broken homes. They're not getting enough love from mommy or daddy, so they think having a kid of their own in order to get the love they're craving is completely acceptable.

This is sad indeed.

I can guarantee the fathers will not be involved - and I also know, according to Time, one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless dude!


Now you've got idiots out there blaming the movies "Juno" and "Knocked Up."

These girls know what they're doing and they're making a massive mistake.

Just a shame...
are you freaking kidding me??
i was watching fox [its my favorite sitcom] and i saw this story run. Its about 17 girls that made a pact to get pregnant so they could raise their children together. one of the father's was a 24 year old homeless man. Now what the frak is going on in our culture?! Right after the story aired i also heard that Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth [TAKING ALL BETS TO HOW LONG IT TAKES TILL THIS HAPPENS AGAIN!] Is it something in the water or are our kids just getting more retarded by the hour?

What ever happened to "the talk"? what ever happened to not raising your child like a whore or a pimp? It just really phases my mind on how retarded our kids are getting nowadays. How do you feel about this story?


Danny, Bannister and Shai all have homes...
This is just dumb in so many ways, I can't even articulate the words. And of course the media would blame popular culture for this situation, which is idiotic.

The truth is that our society is dumbing itself down a bit, not to mention that kids get more influence from other people than their parents these days.. with so much available at their fingertips... cell phones and the internet...

It's one thing to blame the parents, but this is bigger than that... it's not just the failure of the parents, these kids are 17. They should know better. School, parents example and LIFE itself should have taught these girls to know better. If they were 13 or 14... I would change my tune... but they are old enough to know better.

It's just a sad indicator of where we are headed as a society, babies are accessories... nobody reads, kids walk around the mall with their bluetooth headsets, talking to themselves.... 13 yr olds haunting Starbucks.. It's sad. Every day I have to go out there and be a part of it all, I get a sick feeling in my gut. We are so screwed as a people. :banghead
i was watching fox [its my favorite sitcom] and i saw this story run. Its about 17 girls that made a pact to get pregnant so they could raise their children together. one of the father's was a 24 year old homeless man. Now what the frak is going on in our culture?! Right after the story aired i also heard that Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth [TAKING ALL BETS TO HOW LONG IT TAKES TILL THIS HAPPENS AGAIN!] Is it something in the water or are our kids just getting more retarded by the hour?

"Look sweetie, see that man laid out in the gutter with a syringe in his arm, thats your daddy."

Daamn, that one girl must have been really, really desperate. I seriously feel sorry for that child, such a selfish act. They're also now saying it's most likly the majority of the fathers were adults.