18 dead in Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

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I imagine that's quite a rare method compared to others though. The method this psycho chose is an all too familiar one.

There are plain as day options to curb these types of massacres, people just don't want to accept them as it means giving something up that they don't want to give up. These massacres will happen again and again until the people place restrictions on the tools the murdered use to commit their crimes

I think you missed my point. Theses massacres will continue to happen. You can put any law in place you want. Unfortunately it will not be enough to stop an evil person.
Damn, that's a lot of word options thrown in there. Draw a circle. You're what's inside the circle. You have control of that. Everything else outside of it is everyone else. You have no power over what those people do. Like Badmoon said, it's that simple and it sucks. Because wouldn't be nice if we could just say, hey everyone, use common sense and don't do this or don't do that. But then again, what if were on the receiving end of that, we wouldn't appreciate having someone else being able to control our decisions and fate. There is a way to bring crime down, but we won't be rid of it entirely. It's a collective effort of many. I do get where you're coming from, and your heart is in a good place. I guess that's where we all step in and make a conscious effort of not just talking about it, but by sponsoring cash donations on upping security or volunteering at some level... like a neighbourhood watch. Heck, that may have been in place, the public watch. If the public can fund sports teams, why not security? Will it end this from happening for good. Absolutely not, but only talking about it won't resolve things either.
I think you missed my point. Theses massacres will continue to happen. You can put any law in place you want. Unfortunately it will not be enough to stop an evil person.

Sadly you're right, even if laws were passed there'd still be plenty of the same tool this man used floating around out there. :(

I believe that the government should at least take a stance and stick to it as a symbol of change to curb these particular crimes. Stand up and say "we're going to do everything possible to stop these massacres", it may do no good, but it'd be a step in the right direction for the safety of the countries citizens
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Sadly you're right, even if laws were passed there'd still be plenty of the same tool this man used floating around out there. :(

I believe that the government should at least take a stance and stick to it as a symbol of change to curb these parrticular crimes. it may do no good, but it'd be a step in the right direction for the safety of the countries citizens

It's okay Nova, we still love you. You meant well. *pats you on the back* :1-1:
Apparently some people need a reminder.

Tragic.... To prey on the innocent is beyond evil.

If anyone starts some BS gun debate, either pro or con, I will infract them and close the this thread, FYI.
Sadly you're right, even if laws were passed there'd still be plenty of the same tool this man used floating around out there. :(

I believe that the government should at least take a stance and stick to it as a symbol of change to curb these particular crimes. Stand up and say "we're going to do everything possible to stop these massacres", it may do no good, but it'd be a step in the right direction for the safety of the countries citizens

More laws will just keep honest people honest. They have little bearing on those who desire to break them. Look at how well Prohibition worked back in the day and how well the War on Drugs has been working.
Apparently some people need a reminder.



Yes, people will always be violent, but we can do something to make the violence less easy to commit, especially in such large numbers.

Vans filled with explosives are hard to prevent, but they arent that easy to pull together in a rage. OKC bombing was planned for months, and he had accomplices. This is an act of evil/rage/insanity, whatever you want to call it, but while he may have fantasized about it for all we know, this murderer had to look no further than his Mothers gun collection to wreak havoc.
Just read that all of the victims were shot at least six times and some more than 11. Biting my tongue hard to ask why someone needs an assault rifle that shoots 100 rounds a minute. Legal or illegal makes no difference. This will prob get deleted and ill get a ban but the thougt of a six year old being shot more than eleven times makes me ill.
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Our local schools will be wearing green and white all next week. That's the school colors for the school in Connecticut.
Just read that all of the victims were shot at least six times and some more than 11. Biting my tongue hard to ask why someone needs an assault rifle that shoots 100 rounds a minute. Legal or illegal makes no difference. This will prob get deleted and ill get a ban but the thougt of a six year old being shot more than eleven times makes me ill.

I'm totally with you on that.
It wasn't the guns that shot these kids. It was a man. Guns are just an ammoral tool. If he didn't have a gun, he just would have used knives or homemade explosives.

Its not like banning guns would make a difference, as anyone who plans to massacre dozens of children is probably not going to care about gun ownership laws.

To say that banning firearms would have prevented the events that transpired yesterday from happening is oversimplified at best.

I imagine that's quite a rare method compared to others though. The method this psycho chose is an all too familiar one.

There are plain as day options to curb these types of massacres, people just don't want to accept them as it means giving something up that they don't want to give up. These massacres will happen again and again until the people place restrictions on the tools the murdered use to commit their crimes

Sorry, won't work. The crazies and criminals will still have their way.
Just read that all of the victims were shot at least six times and some more than 11. Biting my tongue hard to ask why someone needs an assault rifle that shoots 100 rounds a minute. Legal or illegal makes no difference. This will prob get deleted and ill get a ban but the thougt of a six year old being shot more than eleven times makes me ill.

Automatics are illegal. Crazies don't care.
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