18 dead in Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

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I have two boys ages 4 and 6 and I couldn't hug them long enough when I got home from work yesterday.

This is actually appalling and senseless. It is impossible for me to comprehend how someone can walk into a room of defenseless children and kill them.

Evil cannot be contained. No amount of laws and restrictions will prevent evil from surfacing.

Unfortunately this seems to be happening more and more lately. I live in southeast Wisconsin and have had to deal with the shootings at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek and the Azana Spa in Brookfield.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families that will never be able to hold their children again.
I couldn't imagine anything happening to my niece and newphews, the parents must be going through hell right now, they'll never get over this, my Mum lost my brother before i was born and has never recovered, she persevers better than my Dad did but it'll never leave her

I'm sorry to hear about that Nova
Or maybe he was off his meds....

Couldn't wait for my 5 year old to get off the bus yesterday

We need better gun control

The man stole his mom's registered weapons allegedly. He's a thief besides being a mass murderer.


If anyone starts some BS gun debate, either pro or con, I will infract them and close the this thread, FYI.
That's how it starts. I'd rather quote that than get into a statement "exchange". Peace on the streets, keep hope alive.
Roger Ebert, very smart quote


He's right and he's wrong. Movies and music DO influence *********. It's the fuel to an idiots fire.

What percentage of society's adolescence actually read over video games and t.v.? There have been evil psychopaths since the beginning of time, and they will continue to exist.

Imo we live in a selfish society. Most people are concerned about their well being and the hell with everyone else. A unified society would make drastic changes, even if to only benefit the minority.

Oh and there is a hell, this bastard just entred it too.
Whats also sad is the number of people making memes out of the pictures of the kids running and crying outside of the school. Its ****ing sick! Yet they get comments on the pictures on how "funny" they are. Seriously what kind of people can even make a joke out of this?

I cannot even believe this. I don't understand some people. And I guess I'm not meant to. Disgusting.

My prayers go out to the victims and their families.
Instead of Christmas shopping those families will be looking at burial plots and caskets.
It's so sad when it involves kids and it's so close to Christmas.
God has 20 new small angels in heaven now.
"Sleep now children,you're in God's hands now."

I know there are many people here who do not believe in God, but I do, so I will say that for my own beliefs, that was the only way I got any comfort in this (which was still no comfort at all). Was to think that God needed more beautiful Angels this Christmas.
I know there are many people here who do not believe in God, but I do, so I will say that for my own beliefs, that was the only way I got any comfort in this (which was still no comfort at all). Was to think that God needed more beautiful Angels this Christmas.

Gotta say I wouldn't take any comfort in that at all. In fact I'd have to seriously question God's methods of acquiring those angels.
Gotta say I wouldn't take any comfort in that at all. In fact I'd have to seriously question God's methods of acquiring those angels.

Everyone has their own views and feelings. And I also stated that I don't really get comfort it in at all. It's just the only thing I have to lean on.
I've been watching CNN coverage for many hours now and even though I'm halfway across the world in Malaysia, I feel so bad for the sense of chaos, anxiety and hopelessness created due to this senseless act. It's almost 2 a.m here but I'm having a hard time sleeping after watching the news. I can't imagine the parents of the deceased children dealing with this. I hope they would get all the support they need, because it's a fate worse than death losing your child in such an unspeakable, heinous manner.

President Obama said that he'll take action on this and I hope it happens real soon. Too many gun rampages in America and as an outsider viewing these events it's easy to condemn American gun law but the reality is it's never that simple for a radical, sudden change.

We should count our blessings that we hang out on an internet board primarily on discussing luxurious wants, something that in reality only a small minority could indulge in. We should always try to give more to the needy and I can't imagine a better time than now.
Very sad to hear and feel pretty numb to be honest.
Saw obama on the news and thought he came across very genuinley upset, at least I hope.
This is happening more and more, can't work out why and hope that tighter gun laws are enforced because of this and this is the last of these tradegies.
My thoughts are with the parents, no words can take away their pain and if their faith helps in some small way then that is something.
Very sad to hear and feel pretty numb to be honest.
Saw obama on the news and thought he came across very genuinley upset, at least I hope.
This is happening more and more, can't work out why and hope that tighter gun laws are enforced because of this and this is the last of these tradegies.
My thoughts are with the parents, no words can take away their pain and if their faith helps in some small way then that is something.

Why do you mean, "you hope" when concerning his genuine feelings? Skeptic much? Are we that jaded as a public we think figure heads/leaders like Obama's feelings have to be put the slightest in question? Does it matter whether he is or not? It doesn't change the situation. I would say his feelings are genuine. He has children of his own. Most are empathetic because they know someone who has a child or they are a parent themselves. Yup, it's awful. I think a lot of people were hurt by this. Not just the families. This is 5-10 year-olds. And while I don't like putting value on ages over others, it still is one of those things were pure innocence, which is what those children are at this point of time, have been violently stripped away from their families. That just hurts to the core. Doesn't matter what your background or your status is... if you're human and you have a heart somewhere inside of you (the metaphorical one), I can't see how this wouldn't make you broken up.
With justice on the killer being impossible, I just hope that out of this misery something is done to help prevent further incidents like this happening again at least then there'll be some small sliver of solace.
With justice on the killer being impossible, I just hope that out of this misery something is done to help prevent further incidents like this happening again at least then there'll be some small sliver of solace.

Unfortunately, I don't think such a magical wand exists. Bad **** will continue to happen where we least expect it. We can't monitor everyone and we wouldn't want to. People are already complaining big brother has too much of a watchful eye on them as it is. Where there is good, there will be bad. Unfortunately awful events will repeat themselves, but so will good ones. This is the way of the world. Not the way I want it, but just the reality of it. It sucks, but it is what it is.

And we're not allowed to bring up certain laws, so I won't... but anyway.. nobody can predict these things unfortunately. *sigh* That word again.
With justice on the killer being impossible, I just hope that out of this misery something is done to help prevent further incidents like this happening again at least then there'll be some small sliver of solace.

You can't stop things like this from happening. As long as there are evil people, evil acts will be committed. It's really that simple.
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