31 dead

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madden821 said:
I've got 2 guesses. He was dumped or somebody made fun of him. I think in cases like this it could be any little thing that sets them off.

Well, it's obvious that he was a pure COWARD in any case.

I honestly can't imagine going through more B.S. than I have in the past 5 months of my life (separation/divorce, losing house and kids, unemployment, Bankruptcy, IRS audit, and, yes, being dumped in the most painful way possible). But even after enduring all that I couldn't even think something like this into existence. It's for people that are frankly too weak to live. The real shame is that this a-hole had to take a lot of innocent people with him... and shatter the lives of dozens of others. :(
I am glad I live in a part of the world that this kind of stuff doesn't happen, but with the recent hiccup here in Canada with the Montreal incident in the Fall, which was no where near as bad as this, 20 some people were still injured on campus and one girl died. However, as more guns leak into our country we could have the potential of being as bad as the States, which I hope never ever happens. We need to tighten our boarders!

This is a very sad day. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims.
Eli26 said:
I am glad I live in a part of the world that this kind of stuff doesn't happen, but with the recent hiccup here in Canada with the Montreal incident in the Fall, which was no where near as bad as this, 20 some people were still injured on campus and one girl died. However, as more guns leak into our country we could have the potential of being as bad as the States, which I hope never ever happens. We need to tighten our boarders!

This is a very sad day. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims.

I am really not trying a personal attack Eli, but Punishers in glass houses...
It's horrible and truly sad...

Pick up Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and have a read. He wrote it back in 1950 and in it he's quite prophetic as a 17 year old girl says that the kids her age scare her--- all they do is kill one another.

Where are we? Where are we going?

Sad. I hope that none of the freaks have family/friends involved.
Shropt said:
I am really not trying a personal attack Eli, but Punishers in glass houses...

Sorry if I misunderstood you, but are you suggesting I surrender my signature because of what went down today? If so, this will happen again, sadly. I don't see what my signature has to do what went down today. Yes, I can see the relation, but if that's the case perhaps we shouldn't read comics, watch television shows or movies, or play video games which glorify guns and violence.

Point is, unlike the individual who committed these awful heinous crimes today, I know what's fantasy and what's real. To me Punisher is a fictional character that can't hurt anyone in the real world. I have morals and a conscious unlike this person.

Anyway, this is more-or-less off topic and should be about the topic of the 31 lives taken today, which has greater significance than some signature. Again, if I misunderstood what you said, I apologize.
Eli26 said:
I am glad I live in a part of the world that this kind of stuff doesn't happen, but .

unfortunately,the state the world is in right now i dont think anywhere is completely safe and sound which is scary in itself.
Its tragic, im sat here watching it on CNN, they say at least 29 injured also.
I cant in anyway understand why someone would do something so terrible

My thoughts are with anyone involved or affected by this horrible act.

take care
No, I agree. Crime is everywhere. I am just saying in my part of the world I see crime. Just no where near to this extent, but I get what you mean. Nobody is entirely immune or safe from crime and violence. Heck, I been a victim of crime many times and I live in a very good area of the world.

My point is, some areas are much more worse than others. I just hate that we even have people who can't use common sense, listen to their conscious. Take on the morals that they were taught in the schools, by their families and friends. I don't believe that criminals had bad influences around them 24/7. There were good people that they came in contact with, and establishments that educated them on the significance of morals, and knowing good from bad.

I believe we all have have our inner demons, it's just knowing how to conquer them, rather than them getting the better of us.

All I know is I am more sad for those 31 souls families and friends. Those who are the ones who are left to suffer with this. It shouldn't have happened. It's sick how one individual can effect hundreds, thousands, and millions of lives based on one act that took such little time and effort for the worse. I know this is a pipe dream, but I wished I could be around for the day when this kind of crap doesn't happen.
Eli26 said

..... but if that's the case perhaps we shouldn't read comics, watch television shows or movies, or play video games which glorify guns and violence.

Sounds like some pretty good thinking to me.

The glorification of senseless violence that has permeated the mass media through video games, films and other media outlets has an effect on people. Yes, the vast majority of people can indeed place what is real and what is fantasy into their respective worlds. But for how long will we ignore the fact that there has been a desensitizing of people to violence over the last few decades? For how long will we ignore the fact that these things can indeed impact the attitutdes and behaviors of weaker minded people?

Over 50 people shot - some 30 or more dead.

But defend your right to play senseless violent video games because you have not done it.
This is really scary. First the trolley square shooting here in Utah and now this. The concealed weapons debate has been a very touchy issue at the University of Utah and I can only imagine the effect this will have on it now. On one hand one might feel safer if they are carring, but one the other hand that would lead to more guns accessible to psychos like this. What to do? :eek:

Very sad indeed :monkey2
I really don't think there should be a debate right now with all that's going on. We don't really even know the facts yet, and thoughts should be with the families and students rather than media and gun control issues right now. I mean, just my 2 cents.
bagelsncheesey said:
I really don't think there should be a debate right now with all that's going on.


My prayers go out to those affected by another act of violence. Something all to common in this day and age.
What to do? Good question.

How about building a big building in Washington DC called the NRA headquarters and putting half of the Second Amendment in big carved letters on the wall as your credo? Then collect hundreds of millions of dollars from supporters and gun manufacturers who also support that very selective half of the Second Amendment. And when stuff like this happens - and happens with more regularity and brutality - you circle the wagons and cling to those precious words you have so carefully selected to justify your position. And if that is not enough, you give extra special legal protection to the people responsible for the manufacture and distrubtion of your product --- a product designed to do one thing.... kill.

At least thats what some people have done.
I think it's rather tasteless to start debating (no matter what side of the topic you are on) when some of the bodies have yet to even get cold. :mad:
bagelsncheesey said:
I really don't think there should be a debate right now with all that's going on.

Totally disagree with you on that one. This is a discussion forum, not a prayer group. (not that I have anything against well wishes).

Buttmunch - I was just saying the exact same thing to my co-worker and she had a good point. How would enacting weapons bans on college campus' do anything to prevent this sort of tragedy from occurring?

I seriously doubt that someone who is contemplating doing something as horrible as this would care one fig whether firearms are allowed on campus or not.
Let's just put it this way... if one of the dead was one of my close friends or family members and I heard someone taking this opportunity to make a political debate or statement out of these events I would jaw-jack them at best.

Tonight, on the evening news (ALL networks) we will be inundated by guests who are both pro and anti firearms lobbyists. They'll be exploiting today's events for their own political interests. And these people should all be kicked in the shins repeatedly (after having their teeth knocked out).

Just sayin'.
pixletwin said:
Totally disagree with you on that one. This is a discussion forum, not a prayer group. (not that I have anything against well wishes).

Buttmunch - I was just saying the exact same thing to my co-worker and she had a good point. How would enacting weapons bans on college campus' do anything to prevent this sort of tragedy from occurring?

I seriously doubt that someone who is contemplating doing something as horrible as this would care one fig whether firearms are allowed on campus or not.

Not trying to make it a prayer group buddy, just trying to have some decency is all... like I said some posts back, it's my wifes college, I spent every weekend there for 4 years. I'm not against debates at all, in fact I encourage them so maybe one day some change could come about. Just a bit too early in my opinion.
IrishJedi said:
Let's just put it this way... if one of the dead was one of my close friends or family members and I heard someone taking this opportunity to make a political debate or statement out of these events I would jaw-jack them at best.

But is'nt it sadly tragic events such as these that finally get people to stand up and demand changes? Not that changes ever actually happen...but it seems that people only stand up and speak out when something horrible happens.
Lets not fight. None of us caused what went on.. we're just expressing our opinions. Can we all do that without shooting down the other? Too many people make this kind of thing personal, which they shouldn't.

Anyway, lets not fight people. Just be grateful about our current situations and pray for those who lost their loved ones in this great ordeal.

But if anyone wants to make debate, as long as it's not targeting or insulting anyone, then I am all for it. But that's my opinion.
Jen said:
But is'nt it sadly tragic events such as these that finally get people to stand up and demand changes? Not that changes ever actually happen...but it seems that people only stand up and speak out when something horrible happens.
True, but there should also be a time to let the dust settle before moving forward with your own political agenda (no matter which side you're on) if for no other reason than out of respect for the dead and their families.

Put another way, most of the victims' families would likely be right there beside anti-gun lobbyists at some point... but TODAY that has to be one of the last things on their minds. If I were one of the family members and saw a topical ambulance chaser use the death of my loved one to make their own political point BEFORE I HAVE EVEN BURIED THAT PERSON I am going to kick someone's ass. Plain and simple.
I a have an even better idea, lets turn this thread into a debate about whether or not its kosher to have a debate on current events. Really, its kind of self-righteous to make such presumptions anyway.z

And Irish, your shin kicking and teeth kicking would be followed by my selling the story to msnbc for a story on senseless forum violence. ;)
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