31 dead

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I understand where the IrishJedi is going with this. A moment of thoughts and prayers before debate. Debate is welcomed, but first we have to respect what went down, rather than analyze and debate it. I can see each person's side, however isn't IrishJedi falling into what he's so strongly against... debating at this moment of time? Hmmm....
Yes, like Pixeltwin pointed out I am debating about whether or not we should be debating.

That means it's time for me to turn off my laptop and head home for a Guinness. :duff

If not now... when? When is the right time to discuss this stuff?

When memories are replaced with the latest news on what celebrity is adopting what foreign child or some trivial third rate personality releases a new CD? Thats exactly what the NRA wants to happen.

This is exactly the time to debate gun control and acceptance of violence.
The timing could not be more perfect.
pixletwin said:
Totally disagree with you on that one. This is a discussion forum, not a prayer group. (not that I have anything against well wishes).

Buttmunch - I was just saying the exact same thing to my co-worker and she had a good point. How would enacting weapons bans on college campus' do anything to prevent this sort of tragedy from occurring?

I seriously doubt that someone who is contemplating doing something as horrible as this would care one fig whether firearms are allowed on campus or not.

Right. I think the question is: Are the non-psycho people safer armed or unarmed? Would more people carrying weapons lower the likiehood of something like this happening again or lower the death count by shooting the shooter sooner?

I agree that it does seem a bit cold to talk over the politics of the event so soon after, but that was just one of the things I thought of since it has been a big debate here already.

Just for the record, my thoughts and prayers also go to the victims and their families.
IrishJedi said:
True, but there should also be a time to let the dust settle before moving forward with your own political agenda (no matter which side you're on) if for no other reason than out of respect for the dead and their families.

Put another way, most of the victims' families would likely be right there beside anti-gun lobbyists at some point... but TODAY that has to be one of the last things on their minds. If I were one of the family members and saw a topical ambulance chaser use the death of my loved one to make their own political point BEFORE I HAVE EVEN BURIED THAT PERSON I am going to kick someone's ass. Plain and simple.

I agree with what you are saying...I was just stating an observation....I suppose if I lost a loved one in this way I would hope that rather than that person's death being senseless it, that it could bring about some change....it is too early for these victim's families to be thinking of anything at this point...they are in complete shock and dispair....but in time who knows what could happen...programs like MADD, Amber Alerts and such all started because families of victims wanted the deaths of their loved ones to bring about positive change.
Bottom line.

30+ people are dead.

Gun control/no gun control will not stop it from happening again.

Everyone deals differently in a situation such as this, i.e. some pray, others discuss.

No one is happy with what happened today.

It will only get worse.
King Darkness said:
Bottom line.

30+ people are dead.

Gun control/no gun control will not stop it from happening again.

Everyone deals differently in a situation such as this, i.e. some pray, others discuss.

No one is happy with what happened today.

It will only get worse.

Well summed up King.
I know some people mentioned the killer fighting with his girlfriend then going on a rampage but based on additional factors it's leaning towards a more calculated killing spree.

He was wearing a bulletproof jacket and the doors to Norris Hall were chained and locked from the inside. There was a specific reason he went to Norris only time will tell what the real motive was.

Very sad
KingDarkness offered this

Gun control/no gun control will not stop it from happening again.

Some very advanced industrialized nations like Japan are far more peaceful with far less violence that the USA. One reason is that they simply do not allow guns to be owned by the citizenry. Your statement that gun control will not stop this from happening again defies logic. If people cannot have guns like the situation in Japan, of course it will cut down on things like this happening.

And please let us remember that this is not an isolated incident. It was just last year that the little girls at that Amish school were slaughtered in another senseless act of gun violence.

We live in an open society. If we allow guns to be widespread, such things will happen. These things must be discussed. Is this a reasonable price that the majority of people are willing to pay so that some people can have it their way in determining what a selected half of the Second Amendment really means?
gideon said:
Some very advanced industrialized nations like Japan are far more peaceful with far less violence that the USA. One reason is that they simply do not allow guns to be owned by the citizenry.

While I agree with tight gun control, there is no way that laws like that will ever happen in America.
from Pixletwin

While I agree with tight gun control, there is no way that laws like that will ever happen in America.

Yes, sadly you are correct. But it seems that what we now have is the exact opposite end of the continuum. The pendulum is all the way to the extreme of the rights of the gun owner.

Maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle?
I've been following this all day. It is a tragedy that shootings like these still take place in today's society. I could never imagine how someone could just randomly start killing innocent people because he/she is mad at the "world."
My thoughts and prayer go with the families and loved ones.
What's bizzare is that the first two shooting deaths happened TWO HOURS beforehand. The campus officials knew about it and didn't tell anyone, nor did they shut down the school to investigate as they thought it was 'an isolated incident'. Now because of them trying to keep bad publicity hidden, people paid with their lives. Lots of them, people who had a future. I can hear some V-tech windows opening right now and some 'thuds' as the guilt builds up on them.

Thats just inexcusable. Instead of the possibility of saving many lives, they tried to save their credentials first.

I wonder if that Asian guy's girlfriend was having an affair with the teacher/professor. probably what set him off.
This is so very sad. Words cannot express the pain and grief that this wil have caused for all the people who will be personally affected. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who are personally affected by this. Very sad day indeed.

I just don't understand what can make people do these evil deeds.

My prayers go out to the families. :monkey2
Karma said:
Watch "Bowling for Columbine" for you answers to this situation :monkey2

Thats the last place anyone should look.
Joseph Goerbles wouldve been proud of that little bit of propaganda.
You know I always like getting the newspaper and seeing some boring crap about celebrities or something on the front page.

It means there's another day gone by when tragic stuff like this hasn't happened and there's nothing really important to report.

My prayers go out to the families involved and I really hope the death toll doesn't rise beyond the 33 already dead.
Spartan Rex said:
Thats the last place anyone should look.
Joseph Goerbles wouldve been proud of that little bit of propaganda.

again, it's all about opinions......some people see a problem, some don't

some see it as a psycho with issues but it happens too often to isolate it down to one individual, it's a society problem
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