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nash said:
lol, my black and white world? imo believing that committing crimes are a matter of choice is very opposite of black and white.

however, your opinion of the same topic, that people who are poor need to commit crimes and have no other choice, that is the true black and white isnt it?

so what is a person to do for money if there is no jobs in his area?
Karma said:
so what is a person to do for money if there is no jobs in his area?
believe me dude, ive seen some of the worst poverty imaginable. Ive been to the Philippines numerous times, also in parts of Korea. You dont have to lecture me on people having no money and no jobs, ive seen it and been around it A LOT.

Like I said before, it is a God given fact that not everyone on this Earth has the same opportunities and chances in life to make a decent living. But to sit there and tell me that because of this, those poverty stricken people have a right to commit crimes because there is no other way..... I'd tell you that you need to wake up and smell the coffee, because youre obvioiusly living in your own idealized perception of reality.

really really poor people in the Philippines live day to day earning 10 pesos, which is the equivalent to about 20 cents USD. they do it by selling flowers, working as laborers, collecting bottles and cans for recycling, selling fish that they caught. There is always a way, as there is always a choice. Granted, "that" way may not be the most ideal, but it is still a way, and still a choice.
Karma said:
read my previous posts, this a about robbery not today's events

You seem to think robbing and terrorizing people is a good option
Spartan Rex said:
A conservative is a just liberal whos been mugged.

My heart and sometimes my tithes goes out to people in need write up until
they put a gun in my face or threaten my loved ones, then all bets are off.

Youve been reading to much Charles Dickens, the prisons arent full of Oliver Twists and Artful Dodgers. They are filled with drug addicts, murderers and rapists. Most burglaries and thefts are to fuel a drug habit.
American society provides plenty of nets (usually at tax payer expense) that nobody should be threatening anyone with bodily harm.

Give up your Pollyanish ways and wake up to fact that monsters walk the earth, they usually walk on two legs and the police arent always going to be around. Take todays events for a sad example.

"An armed society is a polite society, as Robert Heinlein noted."

How many guns & ammo are required for self-defence, as I understand it the state in which this barbaric act happened recently changed the law to only being allowed to buying one gun per week

Surely self defence strays in the area of people getting thrills from firearms when you need more than one or two firearms
lets try and remember what this thread is about guys, jeez. if you're gonna spin it into robbery, then start a new thread. man, you'd think nothing happened today.
Karma said:
I wish I lived in your black & white world, unfortunately real life is just shades of gray

Ive found that people who live in shades of gray usually have difficult time recognizing moral absolutes and thus anything goes.
So nice not to deal with those pesky things like evil, no hard decisions to get you out of the comfort zone.
Karma said:
Crime is an act of necessity not choice

I'll do everything in my power to avoid, repel, and neutralize any crime towards my loved ones. I don't give a flying monkey **** how inconvenienced by society the said criminal was.

If you have to rob to live, well, be prepared to lose an eye, or your life.
Amanaman said:
I'll do everything in my power to avoid, repel, and neutralize any crime towards my loved ones. I don't give a flying monkey **** how inconvenienced by society the said criminal was.

If you have to rob to live, well, be prepared to lose an eye, or your life.

and if your prepared to take an eye or life expect the same

This is my final post on this as bagelsncheesey is correct
"Hello, I'm assuming you will be handling the breaking and entering to my house tonight."

"Yes thats right"

"Will you be strictly robbing me or do you think you might rape my wife and or children and commit murder?"

"I wasn't really certain, is that important?"

"Well yes, if it's robbery then I will just call the police, if its rape I could shoot you in the leg, but if its murder I could aim at your torso although I will try and miss any vital organs."
Anzik Hayes said:
Has anyone seen a common theme?
How many times has the question been asked "How could someone do this?"
The simple answer is that the people asking that question do not have that capability inside them to commit such an act, therefore it is impossible to understand why someone else could do it. We are not all the same and even under the right circumstances most people could never do anything like this. We all like to think everyone is like ourselves and we like to humanize things but the reality is that we are not equal. Individuals are exactly that: Individual.
Everyone scrambles for understanding when something like this happens but the truth of the matter is, unless you're homicidal, you will never understand because your mind doesn't operate that way.
Do you realize most people have no comprehension of violence? Most people have never been face to face with someone full of rage that wants nothing more than to smash your face in and make you bleed. There is no talking to someone in that state, there is no amount of hugging that will calm them. It's like talking to the bully on the playground and explaining to him about peoples feelings and how its not nice. The bully doesn't listen. He'll wait till no one is around and kick the ass of whoever told on him. People need to accept that some people ARE born evil or at least with the propensity for it.
This has nothing to do with gun control. How many millions of gun owners DO NOT commit mass murder? And honestly, when someone wants to break a law, some words written on a piece of paper somewhere will not stop them. Another thing to think of is that ONE person with a gun did this, now what if there were someone else there with another gun, like a security officer, that could have stopped the murderer before he finished his rampage.
The luxury of things like this, is that we can pick apart whats wrong with an action, but we can't see what would have happened from inaction. We can say this happened because someone had a gun, but we don't know how many things were avoided because someone else had a gun. Ever since the gun was invented, there have been guns and there always will be and I feel better that there are good people with guns because I know there are bad people with guns. If it wasn't a gun it would have been a baseball bat, or a rope around the neck, or a knife, or a hit and run with a car, or a 747 crashed into a building.
Violence does indeed spread violence, but not to everyone. Peace can spread peace but not to everyone. There will always be someone who will reject violence even in the face of it, and there will always be someone who will reject peace no matter how much peace and love they are shown. The difference is that the unconditional pacifist will not eliminate the violent ones, but the one violent one wouldn't think twice about eliminating the pacifists.

Some of your post reminds me of an episode of the X-Files. This guy got fired, walked out of his company, saw a criminal in a car chase get burnt up in a crash and the evil from the car went into the fired employee and he went back in and killed his bosses. Everyone has their beliefs, but I think evil goes into realms beyond the world as we understand, as the episode of the show alluded, we all have a certain capacity for these acts by all being the same species, but only a rare few of us become vulnerable and are taken over by that evil, and I feel that is why we often can't come to an explanation for certain crimes and horrors. I think some have roots in the world, but I do think there are instances beyond the world we see every day, and as a natural reaction, you seek a reason behind it because no one can accept the loss of a loved one as it just happened for no rational reason.
Anzik Hayes said:
"Hello, I'm assuming you will be handling the breaking and entering to my house tonight."

"Yes thats right"

"Will you be strictly robbing me or do you think you might rape my wife and or children and commit murder?"

"I wasn't really certain, is that important?"

"Well yes, if it's robbery then I will just call the police, if its rape I could shoot you in the leg, but if its murder I could aim at your torso although I will try and miss any vital organs."

sorry, I had to reply.....that truly is a stupid post, how do countries whose citizens without firearms manage?

I'll sleep tight without a firearm & you can just worry about all the murderers that might be coming to get you
Captain Aldeggon said:
I just don't understand how so many can continue to promote gun handling after such abominations. This kind of hatred is only accessorized by the gun that are too easy to obtain and the ease with which weopons are allowed. I pray that those in a position to make changes will realize that these incidents at Trolley Square and now Virginia are only a shadow of imminent reprecusions unless action is taken immediately.

My heart goes out in deepest prayer on behalf of those at Virginia. I pray that their families will be strengthened, their loved ones will be comforted, and their memories will endure as we mourn this travesty. Let us all remember them, and not forget the chaos that ensues when violence is embraced as a means of expression, and hatred is fueled by the outlets of aggresion, wrath, and bloodshed. I pray that all of us will ponder what really matters, and that we will take whatever action is neccessary in order to inspire peace and humanity amongst ourselves. If violence is made to appear glamorous or exciting, can we really expect anything but misery and grief when it strikes at us in retaliation?

Despite this, I know that there is still consolation and peace in the world. There are those who will reach out to those in desperation, and comfort will come to those who are now trapped in the mire of shock and despair. The way out is to show compassion and love for all those who are now traumatized by this affair. I resolve to make a difference in my sphere of responsability. I pray we all might do the same somehow.

I feel weird now having created such a hot topic. I also feel that any time is a good one for a discussion. My prayers go to the family. I must say this. I am a former US Marine that has plenty of weapons. I also have learned to use my body in many ways that would make the average Starbucks drinker cringe. However, I would never assault anyone. Nor would I use my inventory to inflict pain. Normally I would agree on your peacfull posts. Here I disagree greatly. If you even take guns out of this look at what happened on flight 93 and the other planes. Terrorists used BOX cutters. BOX CUTTERS. To take down planes. It has nothing to do with the weapons of choice but the people who are in charge of owning them. Guns are not the problem people are! Call it a cliche if you like but it is the truth. And if they are not I ask you this. If guns are the problem and I put one in your hand will you instantly want to kill someone???
So countries where firearms are illegal have no crimes committed with firearms?

You make it seem like crime is exclusive the U.S. and that gun violence only happens here. You don't take culture into consideration or that there are just bad people that you need to defend yourself against.

Never mind, just go back to Teletubbyland.
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