Has anyone seen a common theme?
How many times has the question been asked "How could someone do this?"
The simple answer is that the people asking that question do not have that capability inside them to commit such an act, therefore it is impossible to understand why someone else could do it. We are not all the same and even under the right circumstances most people could never do anything like this. We all like to think everyone is like ourselves and we like to humanize things but the reality is that we are not equal. Individuals are exactly that: Individual.
Everyone scrambles for understanding when something like this happens but the truth of the matter is, unless you're homicidal, you will never understand because your mind doesn't operate that way.
Do you realize most people have no comprehension of violence? Most people have never been face to face with someone full of rage that wants nothing more than to smash your face in and make you bleed. There is no talking to someone in that state, there is no amount of hugging that will calm them. It's like talking to the bully on the playground and explaining to him about peoples feelings and how its not nice. The bully doesn't listen. He'll wait till no one is around and kick the ass of whoever told on him. People need to accept that some people ARE born evil or at least with the propensity for it.
This has nothing to do with gun control. How many millions of gun owners DO NOT commit mass murder? And honestly, when someone wants to break a law, some words written on a piece of paper somewhere will not stop them. Another thing to think of is that ONE person with a gun did this, now what if there were someone else there with another gun, like a security officer, that could have stopped the murderer before he finished his rampage.
The luxury of things like this, is that we can pick apart whats wrong with an action, but we can't see what would have happened from inaction. We can say this happened because someone had a gun, but we don't know how many things were avoided because someone else had a gun. Ever since the gun was invented, there have been guns and there always will be and I feel better that there are good people with guns because I know there are bad people with guns. If it wasn't a gun it would have been a baseball bat, or a rope around the neck, or a knife, or a hit and run with a car, or a 747 crashed into a building.
Violence does indeed spread violence, but not to everyone. Peace can spread peace but not to everyone. There will always be someone who will reject violence even in the face of it, and there will always be someone who will reject peace no matter how much peace and love they are shown. The difference is that the unconditional pacifist will not eliminate the violent ones, but the one violent one wouldn't think twice about eliminating the pacifists.