360 or PS3??

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tomandshell said:
Part of me doesn't want the Wii because it isn't hi def. But I know that there is another part of me that would love to play a new Zelda game...

Hi-def? PFFFT!
Who was ever worried about hi-def 10 years ago.(or even 5)It's all about the game experience.Have fun!!!!!!

I can't get a ps3 not cause i can't afford one but theres no ****in way i can justify 500$ just for video games etc.(and i could give a crap about blu-ray so it would be just for games)

I think i'll grab a Wii sooner or later cause i love nintendos games.And grab a ps3 after a price cut or two.
not to bash, but the ratings are in for the first wave of PS3 games.... while not bad, they aren't all that great for the hype sony has been pumping.
Resistance got a 9.1
Tony Hawk got a 7.0
Genji : days of the blade got a weak 6.0

~~like i said these aren't bad, but considering that all the hype and comparisons to another system (i wont name, but you know which one) maybe sony should get its butt in Gear (lol..) considering that Resistance was supposed to be the best of show because of the use of 16 gigs of the blu ray disc, most of the complaints were how short the game was. the reviewers said the graphics looked great, but weren't above and beyond whats already available. IMO blu ray is still on the fence and i dont think its really necessary for GAMES when you look at Crysis for the PC, and Oblivion for the 360. both these games are on regular DVD-- one has the best graphics to date, and the other has 60+ hours of gameplay.
Personally, I'm extremely relieved that Resistance got a 9.1. I mean, From the same site (IGN) Gears got a 9.4. Just a 0.3 difference aint too much. It's awesome that the 360 got a totally awesome game, but the fact that a PS3 exclusive got a 9.1 on it's very first batch of games is pretty awesome if ya ask me. It's been the main game they've been pushing for the PS3, so it looks like it thankfully lived up to the hype. Not to bash, but the main release the 360 was kinda pushing, Perfect Dark Zero, didn't live up to it which can be the main case for many launch titles these days (Personally, for some reason, I have little faith in Red Steel, but I hope I'm happily suprised, but I'm sure Zelda will rock.)

So for now, it looks like I'll be happy with my PS3 until bigger games come out, but I'm just relieved we'll have at least one awesome game for it at launch.
Seth Gecko said:
Hi-def? PFFFT!
Who was ever worried about hi-def 10 years ago.(or even 5)It's all about the game experience.Have fun!!!!!!

If everyone thought like that we would still have Atari Ping Pong: square vs square.

Video games have always demanded graphics, and the best graphics available. And right now HD is the way to go.
If everyone thought like that we would still have Atari Ping Pong: square vs square.

Video games have always demanded graphics, and the best graphics available. And right now HD is the way to go.

While I agree with your a little bit, for the most part I disagree. I don't want a sh*t game with really amazing graphics. I want a AMAZING game with AMAZING graphics. If that isn't available I'll take an AMAZING game with poorer graphics. With all the amazing things the xbox 360 can do, there are only a handful of GREAT games for the console. Hopefully, the PS3 will change that. On the topic of the Wii, I will probably get more enjoyment out of the Wii, than the Xbox360 and the PS3. The reason: Nintendo has a much stronger game library than both 360 and PS. Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Sonic, etc. These are great game titles, and they should be great for the Wii. I hope I'm wrong, I really do (cause I'm getting all 3), but for the most part, I think the Wii will beat them all.
I am a lifelong PS fan and will stay that way, in my time away from WOW I will be playing FFXII. Pretty much the only thing I am really buying it for are: The Blu-Ray and the FF, RE, DMC, and Onimusha franchises.

Sidenote on games: I am so tired of the over saturation of military and first person shooter games. Move on already and come up with some imaginative and innovative games that provide a new and unique gaming experiance, nobody wants the same thing that everyone else is doing with a different name.

And so ends my one post for this month........... cherish it :D

I'm a PS fan but it sounds like to me this might be one of the most overrated systems ever. The more I read the more it sounds like Sony is pissing themselves. Right now the 360 is running on all cylinders and with games like Prey, FEAR, GOW, Halo, COD, AC, etc. Plus some of the other biggies that will be on both Sony is gonna have to really deal a big hitter ASAP. Not to mention Blue Ray better win the format war or they are really in it deep.
I've taken the side of HD DVD. I like the fact that I can get a HD DVD player for $200.
Just got a call form the ol gamestop and they said that there are even less PS3s coming in then originally allotted. Sounds like Sony is playing a game. I think that they are going to lose the war between the Blu and the HD.
Darth Roranous said:
Just got a call form the ol gamestop and they said that there are even less PS3s coming in then originally allotted. Sounds like Sony is playing a game.

I hope they enjoy playing a game, because the vast majority of PS3 fans aren't going to get the chance any time soon...
Darth Roranous said:
Just got a call form the ol gamestop and they said that there are even less PS3s coming in then originally allotted. Sounds like Sony is playing a game. I think that they are going to lose the war between the Blu and the HD.

Just talked to my Gamestop and they may be getting more than the expected allotment of Wii's.

I'm by no means a Nintendo fanboy, but at least they seem to care about the consumer.
Darth Roranous said:
Just got a call form the ol gamestop and they said that there are even less PS3s coming in then originally allotted. Sounds like Sony is playing a game. I think that they are going to lose the war between the Blu and the HD.

There is an article on the net. Gotta find it again going over this. Sony is ****ing this up royal.
Darth Roranous said:
Just got a call form the ol gamestop and they said that there are even less PS3s coming in then originally allotted. Sounds like Sony is playing a game. I think that they are going to lose the war between the Blu and the HD.

Got the same call myself. They said if waited for second shipment, they would give me a $20 game free. They said the second shipment should be in about a week after the first (riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight)
The reason the number of PS3's is down is due to the fact that they are having problems making them. Either they are having a high failure rate or it is just taking longer than expected on the assembly line. Either way, who the hell would want the first batch of these PS3's anyway? Let them work the bugs out and get the thing working properly first.
All I care about is that a buddy and me are going to Best Buy in my city at Noon on Thursday to wait in line. That should allocate enough time to do other stuff while waiting. Then who knows, might just sell mine for like $1500, gotta love supply and demand. It's finially here, the time in school where they said it might come in handy.