Hey that's awesome.. sculpture is such a great art form and really satisfying.. whether your doing it as a hobby or professionally. I did start with drawing, but I know many sculptors who don't draw... If you can sketch out an idea or make a sketch map for your self your on your way... also take advantage of all the drawn and photographic reference out there!!! This Batman is my own take on him, but of course influenced by many existing references... get yourself a good anatomy book.. check "Amazon" or your local art or bookstore, there are tons of references on line to see... Think of the sculpture as a Polaroid picture.. it's blurry at first. and with each pass your sculpture gets refined, refined, and refined... Don't try to sculpt all your detail first.. 1) Get your proportions down first... 2) then your forms, skull, ribcage, hips, hands and feet. 3) Then go after your muscle groups...After that you'll be ready to move towards the details. Take your time and develope a system of how you begin a figure...There is also a huge amount of sculpting videos on "youtube" and many awesome professionals on line to ask questions of... I'm always glad to help if you have question...

I LOVE doing this... hope this helped a bit!