a deep question: Why do you collect ?

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Good question.

I think its because for me i enjoy collecting items from the movies i loved as a kid and as an adult and like having representations of them so i can just look at them everyday and say 'hey thats just awesome'. Also its fun and is a great hobby.

Its a way for me of paying homage and tribute to the great characters seen on film and also yeah agree with the other posters a way to get excited about the newest releases(half the fun) oogle the specs and look forward to the excitement of the 'hunt' for the particualar item in question. After all all men are hunters to a certain extent and it is our natural need to collect things and admire them.
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Illness, lack of toys as a youngster, and I enjoy the artistry of what is being produced and the technology that is pushing the boundaries of what imagination can lead to the end product.

In 1977, a stick was a stick not a lightsaber, no matter how expansive my imagination was.
I can't remeber why I started collecting since I've been doing it since I was about 7... the toys have just changed and got more expensive. :lol
I can't remeber why I started collecting since I've been doing it since I was about 7... the toys have just changed and got more expensive. :lol

same here , why stop its fun ....and the feeling of opening a brand new toy ..priceless :D
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Why do you collect ?

It makes me happy, It´s my little tribute for all those things I like in my life, my love for those things that remember me that always I will have a child inside me for ever and ever..:monkey2
It may be a deep question ... but I am afraid I don't have much of a deep answer. I don't collect for fulfillment, which I get from my wife. It isn't to cling to youth, which I can through my two kids. It isn't for some larger purpose, which I get from my faith. It isn't for investment, profit, or financial gain -- I am in far more profitable investment vehicles than toys. It isn't for some overarching joy or happiness -- which I derive from all of the above.

Collecting is simply a minor amusement. I could give it up without a second thought if I needed to -- and I have done so during more trying times.

In short ... I do it because I can. I have the money, and I keep it in perspective.

Collecting is actually a form of compulsive sickness...ask your doctor about it.

only if one goes overboard with it. the key to it, like everything else in life, is to do it in moderation.

In short ... I do it because I can. I have the money, and I keep it in perspective.

well said. at the end of the day, it's just a hobby. which means it's a luxury, not a necessity. if u have the means, sure. just indulge and enjoy it for what it is: a pleasant pastime. :D
1) Nostalgia from back when I was a kid.
2) I love movies, tv and comics (back then when I used to have time to read them) and looking at my figures, they instantly take my mind back to scenes and moments that I've enjoyed.
3) Keeps my imagination vivid and it's a source of inspiration which is very important for my job (actor).
To stave off adulthood and responsibility. At 27 I'm doing a mighty fine job of that.

Also its something I've always done. As a child I usually preferred to play with my figures rather than go outside with my friends. I simply never stopped buying toys. Back then my collecting revolved around toys based on cartoons I was watching, now its all films.
Lots of people collect for PLENTY of reasons.... For me, these are big reasons:

1) Feelings of nostalgia from movies/times in my life.....
2) The "rush" of seeking and attaining a limited production item...
3) A good investment (for the most part)
It makes me happy, It´s my little tribute for all those things I like in my life, my love for those things that remember me that always I will have a child inside me for ever and ever..:monkey2

so true man! we should never let go of our inner child! keeps life fun and interesting! life is too short to always be a grown up!
It's because Sideshow say they're "Limited Edition"! lol
And because It's like owning a piece of the thing's that I enjoyed all my life. Whether it be comics or movies!