Super Freak
Nice. Can you post some pics with your statues in it?

Nice. Can you post some pics with your statues in it?
look closely they ARE in it
Finally, and I mean FINALLY, got it done. Still need one more set of lights for the lower left side. It's too dark to really see much of Man-Thing or my Thing EX PF.
View attachment 51291View attachment 51292View attachment 51293
I recently found this custom made display case at a 2nd hand furniture store near me.
Its 7' tall, 52" wide, came with six 1/4" glass shelves.
solid oak, solid wood back, mirrored back, adjustable shelves.
fits all my PF color and SSE monsters & for now the Joker.
Cost was $299.00 Thought it was a great deal as I know what it costs to have a display case custom made.
The problem with not including a center divider is that glass shelves cannot be that wide and still support the weight. Even at 27" wide and 1/4" thick glass, my shelves bow slightly. What you can do differently, however, is have there be some sort of center frame that still includes glass (on mine it's solid wood). The drawback might be sacrificing adjustable shelves, though.
I would recommend, if you do use glass shelves, going 3/8" thick. They'll be more expensive but also hold considerably more weight.