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Don’t get me wrong I love the Shaak Ti statue, but I was getting a little fed up with the QC issues with Kotobukiya and especially DC Direct. From what’s being said in this thread, it just sounds like I can expect more of the same from SS and I was really hoping that wouldn’t be the case. I’ve ordered the gray Hulk Comiquette and would not consider canceling that, because I’ve been eyeing the Rulk for a while now and like this one even better. I guess I’ll stay on the waitlist for Shaak Ti and hope for the best. If they disappoint I have no problem walking away at this early stage of collecting. I guess the better question would be if the statue comes and it’s defective due to QC, will SS make an exception and refund the NRD too?

Yes you get every penny you put into it back if you get it and it's defective. If you just don't like the final product you have to only pay the return shipping and the NRD will still be refunded. So I would keep the order and decide after you get it in hand.
Yes you get every penny you put into it back if you get it and it's defective. If you just don't like the final product you have to only pay the return shipping and the NRD will still be refunded. So I would keep the order and decide after you get it in hand.

In that case, you have to decide where you would lose the least amount... the NRD or the return shipping. :D
Yes you get every penny you put into it back if you get it and it's defective. If you just don't like the final product you have to only pay the return shipping and the NRD will still be refunded. So I would keep the order and decide after you get it in hand.

Thanks! I figured that would be the case, as it is with any good company, but it’s good to have it confirmed by another collector. I will wait and see then. Hopefully it will convert! :impatient:
Should I be put on the WL for a replacement parts or should I just opt for a refund. Waiting on new base, new body. Not sure what to do now. There is no clear date when replacement parts will be available. Anyone else in the same boat?
Should I be put on the WL for a replacement parts or should I just opt for a refund. Waiting on new base, new body. Not sure what to do now. There is no clear date when replacement parts will be available. Anyone else in the same boat?

Yep, been on the list a month for a body and arm.
No6 at home and happy to report no defects.
