Super Freak
I think the gunman should be waterboarded, and then tortured.
There's the grey line. Some people just can't raise a child that is going to be a medical and financial burden. Personally, I understand but as you said before it really isn't my choice and I want a vasectomy so...![]()
To me, it's tragically ironic that a pro-life supporter would use violence and murder as way to get what they wanted.
This doctor worked in 1 of only 3 clinics that allowed such late abortions to take place. Putting morals aside it must have been legal since his career was such a long successful one right?
Here's the thing with this, if it was me and my job was being affected by all of these people that would only make me more resolute to do it more and better. If you are affecting such a change and people are using violence against you then you must be on to something... whether good or bad. I would feel like a coward and a quitter if I let protesting people stop me. I can see why he felt the need to continue his career after being bombed and shot- they gave him no other choice... he couldn't save face.
This just goes to show you that those idiotic pro-lifers are just a bunch of moronic hypocrites. It's curious, why do they go after the doctor??? He's just doing a service, if you really wanted to show pro-life propaganda, wouldn't they go after the mothers who are getting the abortions? Anyway, they're just a bunch of wackos.
Interesting perspective.
You believe violence was visited only on Dr.Tiller in this case.
No violence perpetrated on the unborn huh?
I found someone who's willing to help you out!
Well, I believe it's all violence. Abortion is the ending of a life even though it's not fully developed into an actual fully functioning human. It's all grey. I don't think murdering the Doc proved anything- it only seems to have made matters worse.
As far as abortion goes I think it's the woman's choice. If a person feels they can't be a parent then they really shouldn't be. If this doctor wasn't around wouldn't the female try to get rid of it some other more dangerous way? I also think if the baby can't survive outside of the womb then that baby's life is in the mothers hands- it's hers. Possibly I would even describe it as an extension of her life or another body part. Whether she wants to take care of it or throw herself down a bunch of stairs, she makes the call.
Its funny, because if you look at animals that give birth to abnormal children, the mothers will either let them die or kill the abnormal child themselves. That's why you don't see any handicapped creatures in the animal kingdom, except in humans and in some domesticated groups of animals that are taken care of by humans.
Abortion and religion. This thread should go far.
Its funny, because if you look at animals that give birth to abnormal children, the mothers will either let them die or kill the abnormal child themselves. That's why you don't see any handicapped creatures in the animal kingdom, except in humans and in some domesticated groups of animals that are taken care of by humans.
I know most will disagree with me but I don't think we are that special. Our minds have separated us from true nature.
Tiller's killing is "an unspeakable tragedy," his widow, four children and 10 grandchildren said in statement issued by Monnat. "This is particularly heart-wrenching because George was shot down in his house of worship, a place of peace."
The family said its loss "is also a loss for the city of Wichita and women across America. George dedicated his life to providing women with high-quality health care despite frequent threats and violence."
^^^^ this bull^^^^. People need to just use religion as a guide for a better life...not a way to commit acts of violence.