Space Jockey
Super Freak
More shots of the boots from the child-size suits plus an interior helmet shot.
Spooky, that's a good question. I'll investigate and get back to you.Anthrapoid, do you know if the flashlight that comes with Kane was actually used in the movie?
I know that it was originally just concept artwork for a science device, but did they decide to go ahead and make it and use it in the scene where Kane is lowered into the egg chamber on the derelict? He carries a flashlight at that point, but we never get to see a good view of it.
Fix 29: Inside helmet, grind down back interior under black sticky padding, giving head room to look forward or up.
I wish that were true Wor-Gar, but they are seperate issues.I would definitely try this first before I even bothered sanding the helmet collar. This might solve the whole thing.
Well, it depends; Are you happy spending $160 for an ALIEN figure that is in many ways inaccurate and inferior to the original designs? Are you interested in honoring the original artists who contributed to the creation of the costumes- Moebius, John Mollo, Ron Cobb, Martin Bower and Ridley Scott, and the actors who portreyed the characters? Are you willing to express your respect with some effort? If not, then no- it's not worth this all worth it.... ?![]()
Barlow, It's a safe bet that we all feel the same way. On the other hand, if HT had done that, they might come out looking really poor- like the 12" Hasbro Star Wars costumes did in the late 90's. And, it would have meant the final price would have been probably $100 higher than the $160 we paid...It would have been nice if hot toys made the suit out o some type of fabric rather than plastic, since thats what the suit in the movie were made out of.
Well, over this Holloween weekend you guys have inspired to sculpt my own version of Kane.....
Well, Mindbook, your sculpt doesn't quite look like Kane.