Dreamcast was their best made console that had the best games. I was never a fan of Genesis, 32X, CD, and Saturn.
All there damn attachments causes their downfall...instead of releasing bigger better systems.
The best games? But dude, the Dreamcast's lineup of games was so small. Of course they did release a few good titles like: Soul Calibur, Gundam: Rise from the Ashes, and Resident Evil 2.
The Genesis had some classic games, and I still enjoy playing it to this date. In fact, the Genesis was Sega's longest lasting console on the market. The Shinobi series, Streets of Rage, Sonic, Vectorman, Goldex Axe, etc... all of those bring back a lot of memories for me.
Anyways, this is getting off topic. I'm just relieved that the PS3 has held its own in the current console war. A lot of people were willing to write off the system for good since its release date in 06. But, what they didn't anticipate was the enormous amount of third-party support for the PS3. That being said, I still don't understand what Activision has to gain by ditching all of their PS3 fan base... unless it has something to do with an M$ payoff.
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