Just curious - how many rounds of revisions did you have to go through with her before arriving at an acceptable final version?
From talking to other members on this board, everyone has a different working relationship with her, mostly bad it seems.
I genuinely feel I had a very good one comparatively, as far as our working relationship on sculpts, though, I had to work at it and she seemed to miss (disregard) half of what I'd ask in my E-mails revision wise and it could get frustrating.
I commissioned 8 heads from her total. I never asked for more than two rounds of revisions per sculpt as a personal rule. I never had any hassels from her about my asking for revisions, but then, maybe I approached it better than others because I am an artist too, and my replies would be filled with lots of compliments and praise
as well as the changes I'd want.
It's hard to know because obviously I'm not privy to how everyone else asks and what-not. Maybe everyone else is asking as politely. Also, I was lucky in that she had a pretty high success rate for me personally, so I didn't feel the need to rock the boat and annoy her. I know sometimes a sculpt just isn't going to turn out.
Because of that, I think asking for more than two revisions is a little rude if they are honestly trying to please you and doing what you asked. Yes, you paid good money, but as an artist, each head isn't always going to work out. But on the other hand, if she's not willing to do any revisions at all, then THAT'S a problem.
That said, I think the only really bad head I commissioned was the Dean Winchester, IMHO, because in my mind he would have needed an entire re-do right from the start, and yet still, she changed a lot on him for me, so she tried. Painted, he actually looks a lot better than the pics would lead you to believe, but knowing how dead-on a successful Ada head is with others, he just wasn't one of her better successes.
For my Sam Winchester and Patrick Troughton (Doctor Who #2), she pretty much got nailed the first try.
Most others needed profile/nose corrections because she didn't look at the other ref I sent. Great from the front, bad fron the side. This erratic behavior in work really makes me wonder if "Ada" is more than one person, because why would she use the side ref only sometimes?
Most of my other sculpts were close to being done by the second pics she'd send me.
I'd still be willing to use her again for really small isoteric commissions when Chris Howe is too busy here because of 1,000 other board commissions he's been getting from people leaving Ada in droves (laugh).
He's really a class act. Hopefully he can show her through example and competition how it should all be done.