AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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I feel like crying right now!....the chances my order converting is getting slimmer each day!:banghead:monkey2:banghead:monkey2:monkey2................OH, woe is me!!
I might have to go the e-bay way if my ex won't convert.....oh, well!:(.......

Dude...is this your first waitlist? Most people don't cancel until they get the 15-30 day shipping notification. Then people start dropping the exclusives. After that, you have credit card declines.

In other words...your order will probably convert! Its just early yet!

edit: take me for example. I will almost definately cancel the exclusive to make funds available for other things. I won't do it though until I get the first notification because there is always the chance that I will win the lottery or something and want to keep her. :cool:
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Dude...is this your first waitlist? Most people don't cancel until they get the 15-30 day shipping notification. Then people start dropping the exclusives. After that, you have credit card declines.

In other words...your order will probably convert! Its just early yet!

I think Jinx is a grl....:lol
I was on the WL to swipe it from your hands once u converted :lol

It might have to be a fight to the death then...or whoever cries first.

Trying to find the video on youtube from the Mask where Jim Carrey fights the main bad guy, without the mask on and pokes him in the eye. SO FUNNY!
Damn, you never sleep do you. Thought I might not catch you on.

Yup on like Donkey.... :rotfl
