AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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Skiman, I will give you one of mine if it converts IF you buy Emma PF.


That is a tight rope I cannot walk my friend, although ugs Emma is on a pre-order that I have... any day now it will be CANCELED!!!!

I need the beautiful BQ to convert, come to me BQ, come.... U must... I say come to me!!! :emperor
That is a tight rope I cannot walk my friend, although ugs Emma is on a pre-order that I have... any day now it will be CANCELED!!!!

I need the beautiful BQ to convert, come to me BQ, come.... U must... I say come to me!!! :emperor

I am sure it will convert, I have faith. You are of course the Marvel Master around here.
I am sure it will convert, I have faith. You are of course the Marvel Master around here.

The Marvel gods would have to be kind to me, it's just inevitable.... I'm Skiman for crying out loud :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4 :lol

all this wanting BQ from you guys is making me hold onto my order. Thanks! ;)

Creature pay no attention to us, u hate the BQ, u need to get rid of her... Bump me up on the WL brother :rock :rock :rock I mean.... she ugs like Emma, get rid of her. :lol
I will be opening up a BQ for one lucky waitlister soon enough I think. My wife lets me buy all kinds of crap...but she has voiced her dislike of this "type" of collectible. I guess there is a little too much TnA for her likeing.