AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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I love my Black Cat but she's just not my favorite of the AH! comiquettes, Emma is then Black Cat , Rogue, Black Queen, & Mary Jane will be my last no matter who they make just because I can't stand Mary Jane but I am a completest on this line.

That's how I feel about Emma Frost, but thank god I'm not a completest. More money to waste, I mean spend, on other beauties.
HA HA *Points at SKiman*

All of my babes won't be at your house!! :lol :monkey3

Oh but they will, there will be a come back!!!!! Ski will be BIGGER than ever, I've not falling just shot in the knee!

Arise my son, ARISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:maul
I wish this Comiquette would hurry up and get here or someone post up some pics :)
I love my Black Cat but she's just not my favorite of the AH! comiquettes, Emma is then Black Cat , Rogue, Black Queen, & Mary Jane will be my last no matter who they make just because I can't stand Mary Jane but I am a completest on this line.


It's not the sculpt of MJ I can't stand, it's the character in general.


Yea I can see that, it's a good thing Spiderman is sarcastic as hell and laid back or she could drive anyone nuts...:lol


She can drive my nuts though.
