AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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Yeah I get that argument because honestly no one will pose her with the behind showing but its just something that bugs me. Especially since the nose looks to have been redone or at least softened from the inital pics....this thing just keeps missing the mark IMHO by a hair.
Yeah I see what you mean. To me it's still a stunning piece though. I think it just may be Adam's style to not have a whole lot back there on his women. Rogue suffers a bit from that issue as well.
This will sound weird but I'm really disappointed in the ass on this. The breasts look fantastic but all depictions of Jean Grey had a lot of junk in the trunk and this ass is sculpted so amazingly flat.



I mean even Bowen put a little back there....


You're absolutely right, The Mike, I noticed that too_Other than that she's perfect.Butt that flat ass dont belong to her.
Well I'm not gonna be looking at her butt when I have her displayed anyway. ;) I agree though, they could have put more back there.

Totally agree, when she arrives I won't be displaying her mooning the room, this looks way better then the original pics when she was announced!!!

Looking forward to her arriving :D
I think she is sizzling hot. Way better than SS's pics first suggested. She's the best AH so far from the looks of it, even better than Emma. Ship her already SS!!! I want it NOW.
The exclusive is already going for nearly double on ebay, and the regulars are holding value.
From Statueforum member Jedidon:



Interesting that the nostrils were left unpainted....without paint or even shading lessens the look of the larger nostrils and softens the nose at first glance. I wonder if it was done purposely or done by accident. Since its painted on the prototype I have to assume its a paint mishap.

no kidding where is that processing notice, anyone know when this is suppossed to start shipping, I keep hearing by the end of the week but it's all speculation
It's supposed to start shipping like now, if the 20-25 day notice is any indication. It looks like the retailers already have theirs since the person over at SF got his and he ordered from AlterEgo.
I was wondering how that guy got his so early, then I saw that he ordered it at AlterEgo. Looks like SS did it again and sent them off to retailers before sending them off to the people who ordered direct. :(

That really sucks. :mad:

Everyone who ordered direct should be getting theirs first. I haven't received any other notice besides the Estimated Item Arrival Notice earlier in the month.
Totally agree with you Snoop. The whole point of ordering direct is so you can get yours first or at least that's what I thought anyway.

My pain is great indeed that I don't have it yet. :( :monkey2
I called today and they said near the end of this week or the beginning of next. They had some other things they had to get out first.