I've only been in the Alamo game for 5 or 6 months, so I'm a NOOOOOB compared to a lot of people here. Man, I didn't know posters went up that early before. But I'm sure that the posters also stayed up longer too, now that the secret of Mondo has spread like wildfire.
The first time I felt jipped by Mondo was when the Tron posters came up. I had problems with their system. What happend was that I had them in the cart, then went throught the checkout, but one or two steps in, my cart was empty. I go back to the product page, and they are still for sale, so I put them back in. Step or two later....poof. Gone. I did this like 2 more times, then they were sold out. I was pretty furious. People had meltdowns on their blog, and things got pretty heated. I realized pretty quick that "crap happens." I sent a message to Mondo, but unlike all the other people in the blog and stuff, I was very kind and understanding about mine and their predicament, and simply asked if they could put me down for the 2 Tron posters if anyone happend to cancel. Lo and behold, they got me a pair. And I probably got them because they were happy to see someone not _____ing them out. So I can understand why these people are upset at Mondo and scalpers for not getting a print, but holding it against Mondo is just nonsense.