Episode 5 was fantastic.......!
The collectors edition box is so neat, designed like a book. soooo cool.
The extra book by and about Wake is over 100 pages long...excellent extras!
Dude the game is scary. The ending had me confused can someone explain what happened.
I was on the Remedy boards, and they are working on two dlcs at this time...no word if/when a 3rd will happen
Matias Myllyrinne de Remedy ha confirmado que junto con “La señal” y “El escritor”, un tercer paquete de contenido descargable para Alan Wake llegará a finales de este año.
En una entrevista con MTV, Myllyrinne no quiso profundizar más en el tema, dejando todo el protagonismo para “La señal” el próximo DLC de Alan Wake que se espera que llegue el 27 de julio a Xbox Live.
Third DLC coming for Alan Wake:
Matias Myllyrinne of Remedy has confirmed that the third and last DLC, will coming at the end of this year completing the main story . (there is not title yet and not priced for now)
- The first DLC: "THE SIGNAL" is scheduled for the next : July 27th and takes place after the events of the original game.
The strange world of Alan Wake will lead to another different environment from which details are not yet known.( Another reality??) This DLC Will be free using the bonus card iside the box, or will cost 800mp if not
- The Second DLC: "THE WRITER" not revealed any details or official release date yet, but will cost 800mp as well
are you telling me that the main story doesnt end unless you buy the DLC downloads.microsoft is starting to milk games for everything there worth.