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Damn...i had no idea this game was taking that long to come out.

Hope we see it for the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2010.
Lol... I'll get my hopes up for this game when I see it on store shelves.

~~and wow, Starcraft Ghost--that brings back some memories of the good old days.
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Smoke monster at 3:15

Really looking forward to this and it's either going to be a huge disappointment or be one of the greatest games on the 360.
I can tell you in no uncertaintly, this is not coming out on PC, which is too bad....

The more I see of this, the more pumped I am getting. Considering its a scripted, linear game yet set in an open world environement, it has me pumped.

Remedy has confirmed there is no less than 30 characters, so its gonna be a busy adventure game.

And the enemies have been sorta named: the Taken.....general, but I like it....
Too many broken ones eh?

Video looks great can't wait to get this one.

Why, something wrong with it or are you selling yours or giving it away?

Took major dumppage. My Elite died...they replaced it and 2 1/2 weeks later the replacement died. I'll probably buy another one once I get some steady cashflow.