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This looks to be the only game that will challenge the Bioshock series for atmosphere in a game in my opinion. I can't believe it's actually coming this year. I'm still not getting my hopes up though. In case it gets pulled again.
This looks to be the only game that will challenge the Bioshock series for atmosphere in a game in my opinion. I can't believe it's actually coming this year. I'm still not getting my hopes up though. In case it gets pulled again.

Me too. I will have to buy another 360 for this game. IMO if you don't at least rent the game to play through fail.
I have a feeling that playing this will be similar to Resident Evil 4. Not in terms of gameplay but in awesomeness. This has been my most anticipated game since it was announced like 5 years ago.
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Several DLC Episodes Planned For Alan Wake This Year

Remedy's twisted yarn of a tormented writer, Alan Wake will be out this May and followed up by downloadable episodes post-launch.

The game itself is already split into episodes, but will be extended by at least two more episodes as DLC to follow this year.

Whether more DLC episodes will come after the at two or so already planned will depend entirely upon how the audience accept the game and accompanying add-ons, with Remedy wanting to do a proper second season if it's successful.

"I think it'll depend a lot on the audience, but certainly we want to - if we're successful - we want to do a large 'Season 2,' if you will, at some point," said Remedy managing director Matias Myllyrinne in an interview with Joystiq.

"Right now, I'm not allowed to say what we're doing exactly this year. But we're going to have more than one episode come out this year," he continued.

Alan Wake is out May 18th in North America, May 21st in the UK and Europe.
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Alan Wake's European release date has been changed once again my Microsoft. But don't worry. This time it's good news as the launch has been pushed forward a week, from the previous May 21st date.

Remedy's 'psychological action thriller' will now be out in the UK and Europe on May 14th, which is currently four days before the North American date.

"Fans in the UK have been crying out to get their hands on Alan Wake since it was first announced and we're thrilled to be able to deliver it to them early," said Stephen McGill, Director, Xbox & Entertainment, Microsoft UK.
this is a combination of a lot of of them being old school RE. I cannot wait to immerse myself in this game. :rock
Interesting how you have to use light against enemies, haven't seen that discussed before about the game; seems interesting
This game looks sweet. After 5 years it had better deliver. I have a feeling it will be awesome