KurJen - Kurgan Mod
BrianK said:I get so aggravated that people worry so much about Alec when you do not see the bigger picture. He and Kim are the adults and need to act as such. Being a divorced parent, I have taken a bunch of crap from my ex to keep my children from having to be in the conflict. The adults need to be adults. Keep the kids out of it.
Well good for you...I mean really that is good of you. I however have witnessed a nasty divorce where the ex husband would happily use his daughter as a pawn to get what he wants and ruin his ex-wife's life....and yes it would be a perfect world if adults could be adults...but sadly egos get in the way...a never ending desire to seek revenge gets in the way.....having to constantly deal with uncalled for b.s. from an ex finally gets the better of you and your judgement...I have seen good people make bad decisions because they have been pushed and pushed until they just can't take's sad for the parent who really wants to be involved and a positive influence on their child's life but has to contantly be on the defense, it's especially sad for the child.... I suppose none of us should judge unless we have been in their shoes.