I don't think that anyone here is condoning his actions/language towards his daughter...pretty much everyone has said it was uncalled for and Alec HAS APOLOGIZED for it (before his message was even leaked). This is a man who has been through hell trying to have contact with his daughter. I mean jeez, he flies all the way across the country to see her to find out Kim left with her out of town and didn't notify him, even though she knew damn well he was flying to visit her? She has pulled this **** all the time on him and he finally filed charges against her for contempt of court and guess what - SHE LOST. I think their marriage was doomed and most likely both parties have some blame in it's demise, but she is using her daughter as a pawn to get back at Alec. SHe has been for many years now and that makes her actions much lower and dirtier than Alec's rant on the voicemail. Poor guy has had enough.....I HIGHLY doubt he would ever physically abuse his kid....but for all the sh** he's been put through trying to have a relationship with her, she should show him some respect...he is her father. That's my 2 cents.