How I understand the brown SS Alien...someone else got the Grid exclusive...
My Alien dome theory two cents...
Regarding domes vs no domes, I think since there is a Queen egg layer, that the sans dome aliens are female workers, just like bees, and the domed warriors are male drones. The male comes out first, preceeding a queen and makes the way for the queen, who would be the first chestburster out. The drone, or drones, may even impregnate the queen. The queen lays her eggs and the females, the harder fighters and nest builders, are born.
This works solidly for Alien through AR, as in AR the queen is made first and the DNA is all screwy and the drones are there instead of workers.
I also like, and am ok with the idea that the domes are shed after a time.
In ALIEN, Ash said that the aliens had a "funny way of shedding cells and replacing them with polarized silicon, making tough little SOB's" This actually supports the dome shed theory.
I like both the male/female notion, and the shed dome theory.
As for the ALIENS warriors being automatically tougher than the ALIEN or ALIEN 3 one, though a nice personal preference, is not consistant with anything in any of those first three films.
The first alien, a drone, was alone, the humans had no weapons, and the alien had no reason to hurry about for anything. The people were fish in a barrel. It could simply take it's time. Plus, there was no others, it was alone, so caution was warranted in it's behavior.
In ALIENS, the warriors had to fling themselves into battle to protect the queen and her egg cache, and that was priority one in their world. There were threats, even though we didn't see them, the fights before the Colonial Marines arrived, between the colonists and the brood, set the tone, and taught the aliens that these "hosts" were fighters, so the warrior horde had to act more quickly, as a team, and often suicidally, to protect the Queen. So, all that was actually different about the ALIENS were that they were action motivated. Good call. Made for a more action movie. The sub-dome design is essentially unchanged for the first two movies.
The ALIEN 3 supercedes any notion that a single, domed alien was slow, or unwilling to fight.
As for AR, they were, and had, genetic anomolies. They were also part Ripley.
As for AVP, the idea that a pre-ALIEN alien would look like a post Ripley DNA alien is beyond me. Bad idea and bad continuity.
Give me the boney GIGER A L I E N any day!
That's my two cents.
My Alien dome theory two cents...
Regarding domes vs no domes, I think since there is a Queen egg layer, that the sans dome aliens are female workers, just like bees, and the domed warriors are male drones. The male comes out first, preceeding a queen and makes the way for the queen, who would be the first chestburster out. The drone, or drones, may even impregnate the queen. The queen lays her eggs and the females, the harder fighters and nest builders, are born.
This works solidly for Alien through AR, as in AR the queen is made first and the DNA is all screwy and the drones are there instead of workers.
I also like, and am ok with the idea that the domes are shed after a time.
In ALIEN, Ash said that the aliens had a "funny way of shedding cells and replacing them with polarized silicon, making tough little SOB's" This actually supports the dome shed theory.
I like both the male/female notion, and the shed dome theory.
As for the ALIENS warriors being automatically tougher than the ALIEN or ALIEN 3 one, though a nice personal preference, is not consistant with anything in any of those first three films.
The first alien, a drone, was alone, the humans had no weapons, and the alien had no reason to hurry about for anything. The people were fish in a barrel. It could simply take it's time. Plus, there was no others, it was alone, so caution was warranted in it's behavior.
In ALIENS, the warriors had to fling themselves into battle to protect the queen and her egg cache, and that was priority one in their world. There were threats, even though we didn't see them, the fights before the Colonial Marines arrived, between the colonists and the brood, set the tone, and taught the aliens that these "hosts" were fighters, so the warrior horde had to act more quickly, as a team, and often suicidally, to protect the Queen. So, all that was actually different about the ALIENS were that they were action motivated. Good call. Made for a more action movie. The sub-dome design is essentially unchanged for the first two movies.
The ALIEN 3 supercedes any notion that a single, domed alien was slow, or unwilling to fight.
As for AR, they were, and had, genetic anomolies. They were also part Ripley.
As for AVP, the idea that a pre-ALIEN alien would look like a post Ripley DNA alien is beyond me. Bad idea and bad continuity.

Give me the boney GIGER A L I E N any day!
That's my two cents.