That's hysterical, yeah sixth scale vehicles would be humongous although we have seen a large scale T1 Hunter Killer prop recently so who knows...
I would LOVE a Bishop/Newt 2 pack but don't see a Rebecca anytime soon. If they do make her I hope it's with doll hair, otherwise it's get in the back of the line for me, right Les?
Yeah, I'm sticking with
And total guesswork here, I hope not Frost, although they already made his head with Apone, but my third would be a Warrior too.
Some may want a Burke, Carter J. just to shove him around but I would love to see Rebecca first as she basically served as Ripley's long lost daughter (remember Ripley promised she would be back for her daughter's 11th birthday before the incident at LV 426.)
But I also wouldn't mind "flying the friendly skies" with Ferro...
or how about Barbara Coles .... as the Cocooned Woman w/ pop-open eyes and chestburster!
and Howard Chan will have the HT design team make a PL, bet on that... and, AND, they WILL figure out a Queen too...