Statue Alien: Big Chap Legendary Scale Bust

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If i as a customer ever received a response like that from sideshow i would be done. If this hypothetical response was real that would just be them saying... We pump out half ass work and you will live with it. Hahahaha
I received that BS response once, but luckily the issue I had with my statue was small enough that I decided I could live with it.

It may just be me, but I seem to have more luck with female customer service rather than male.
Mine showed up with a chip missing on the front of the dome. :(

Other than that it looks great. I guess Ill try for a replacement.

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Found another gem on piece #458 (non-ex).

Found another gem on piece #458 (non-ex).

That sucks man. I know how you feel. I've found a few scratches under the dome and more air bubble since I posted the pics of mine. I really hope I can get a replacement for my EX and won't have to settle with the regular.

And yeah wierzbowski, if I get a response like that I'll be done.
Seeing these defects has turned my excitement for receiving this piece next week to pure dread. Lets hope SS has more to offer in response than some tiny credit to keep their broken or defective product. We shouldn't have deal with kind of stress or hassle when spending this kind of money.
Well, mine has a broken tendon, some very visible glue :slap AND a huge scuff EXACTLY on the front of the dome :(


Overall, the bust looks way better than I expected...I just wish it had been perfect :( We did pay over $400 for this thing.

Got EX#129
Despite all the QC issues, that dome and skull effect looks brilliant in all the photos posted.

Glad I didn't get into this line though. Way too risky with the QC. Hope everyone who's having issues can successfully get a refund/replacement.

I hope they can improve it by the time they get to the dog alien. That one will be hard to pass up if sculpted accurately.
After this piece i am officially done with sideshow. I dont even have mine in hand and to be honest im not sure i still even want it. This is not a flame post or another pitchfork atrack. But this is seriously unacceptable. No one.. and i mean NO ONE. Should be dealing with these issues. The qc of sideshow has seriously gone downhill. I believe the issue is just the fact of how many different pieces... And licenses... And what not that they offer. They seriously have over 1000 different pieces they offer. Its obviously way too much for them to seriously handle well. And its not just the alien pieces. Look at the pvc supes... Or the crappy paint app apocalypse. The upside down arc reactor iron man.. the wrong pai t color $2000 legendary scale iron man. The endo skull pieces that are all the clean version but the cheaper battle damage one just had black paint brush marks on it ( hint nail polish remover gets it off and cleans it up to the ahem " SOLD OUT" clean version ) the atrocious p2 mask thats bent and deformed... Etc etc etc. The list goes on for miles. We as consumers should not be expecting nor accepting this. And to offer $40 if that to get us to say ok thats bs. And for someone to say if you know its bad dont buy it... Thats also bs. They offer what appears to be amazing pieces. Worth it to gamble on. Until you realize what you preordered is not what they sold you on. Im done. If you all want to continue supporting this company feel free but this is ridiculous. Whwther mine comes flawless or busted its all the same.
These issues don't look like things easily overlooked. It's pretty obvious that there is a serious lack of quality control, if any. I find it hard to believe that SS isn't aware of these issues, as they seem to occur with every product released. IMO, it demonstrates a lack of caring/concern with the final product. They probably factor in a percentage of returns, and at this point, customers must be taking more pay-offs than requesting refunds. It will take massive amounts of returns to right this ship. All of that being said, I personally have only returned one statue out of around forty, so that's pretty good odds.

I have this one coming, so if it sucks, I'll make it known, here.
Re: Alien Legendary Scale Bust

Mine shipped today with delivery on Tuesday, but now I'm a little scared about what condition he'll be in when he arrives.
The number of people with broken tendons is worrying. It looks like they may not have been packaged properly or are very fragile. That's not good. My bust should be here tomorrow, if the weather doesn't delay it so my fingers are crossed but I'm a bit nervous. This is only the second bust I've gotten from Sideshow after my Endoskull and the first Alien collectible I've had. Never even owned an action figure of one so I really hope these problems are not widespread and me and everyonee else gets a good one, though I fear many are flawed.
After this piece i am officially done with sideshow. I dont even have mine in hand and to be honest im not sure i still even want it. This is not a flame post or another pitchfork atrack. But this is seriously unacceptable. No one.. and i mean NO ONE. Should be dealing with these issues. The qc of sideshow has seriously gone downhill. I believe the issue is just the fact of how many different pieces... And licenses... And what not that they offer. They seriously have over 1000 different pieces they offer. Its obviously way too much for them to seriously handle well. And its not just the alien pieces. Look at the pvc supes... Or the crappy paint app apocalypse. The upside down arc reactor iron man.. the wrong pai t color $2000 legendary scale iron man. The endo skull pieces that are all the clean version but the cheaper battle damage one just had black paint brush marks on it ( hint nail polish remover gets it off and cleans it up to the ahem " SOLD OUT" clean version ) the atrocious p2 mask thats bent and deformed... Etc etc etc. The list goes on for miles. We as consumers should not be expecting nor accepting this. And to offer $40 if that to get us to say ok thats bs. And for someone to say if you know its bad dont buy it... Thats also bs. They offer what appears to be amazing pieces. Worth it to gamble on. Until you realize what you preordered is not what they sold you on. Im done. If you all want to continue supporting this company feel free but this is ridiculous. Whwther mine comes flawless or busted its all the same.

So, here is what I have. Mouth tendon on his right side is broken and missing (not even in the box or stuck in styrofoam), so it's probably on a factory floor somewhere.
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Tendon on his left side is broken off and was loose in the box.
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Theres a knick or something on the skull under the dome (not on the dome itself).
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I noticed air bubbles in the dome most likely from when it was cast. Unfortunately on the front.
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And lastly the obvious glue smudge on the rear side of the dome.
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I also found a few very large paintbrush bristles stuck in a few area but I manages to remove them with no issue.

I think this is a really cool piece and I like it a lot actually. But these issues I did not expect with something I paid $400 for from a company that seems like they should know better. This is only the second thing I have ever purchased from them directly. I suppose now I will be giving them a call.
I'm glad you posted this. It made me look over mine again and found that one of my tendons are broken as well in fact the same spot as the on in your first pic. DAMN IT!! And I thought I got a good one. Also found sloppy glue stains where they attached the tendons and a few other minor things.
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Mine shipped today, due Monday - hopefully no QC issues, I'll post some pictures as well.
Sorry for the creepy-quality pics but love at first sight!!


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Very happy with the piece...Not any fault on mine and average quality. The cons are painting job miles away from the proto (specially bad paint on the teeth) and the EX plaque...

I love how the dome looks...Very good effect.

You're missing a tendon on yours too bud, broke off in exact same place as mine (right side). Not sure if you noticed that.:(