Super Freak
Played the crew expendable dlc, that flame thrower runs outa ammo fast!
Really good so far, the graphics are really beautiful. The only thing where it's not so good is the character facial animations during gameplay, they just flap their mouths like puppets. In the cinematics they have full facial animation and it looks great though. Lighting is really well done and they've even got effects like physically based volumetric lighting and particle lighting, makes things look really good. PC of course.
Playing Crew Expendable first is truly a terrifying way to start. I gave up after dying the second time and started with the campaign proper. It teaches you the fundamentals before ripping through your face.
Played it for a few hours then decided i'm gonna return it as its just too frustrating.
Rental? Or they let you return an opened game?
Like I said, that will be one of the big issues for a lot of people. There is no way any ones beating this game without dying and that does really feel strange and almost not ok. The point of games should be to sharpen skills to the point where you can win. When your facing something that has zero predictability that just isn't possible. It's a unique and interesting experience but if it's fun is going to be very subjective, especially since no two players will have the same play through.
I've seen videos of people playing where the alien looked right at them and then kept on walking. Then I've seen videos of people playing where the alien is completely relentless and they can hardly get through the door before they've been slaughtered. So there definitely seems to be a range of difficulty, and I can definitely appreciate how "I can't even get out of the first room before I die" would be frustrating after the 30th time.I've seen people playing and it didn't seem that bad, guess I'll know when I play it...