Yeah you definitely don't get used to the Xeno's patterns for a good while the first time you play it. I'll probably complete it this week.
my copy will be delivered today. Now do I start this, or continue my games in Far Cry 4 or Shadows of Mordor first....
I think the alien reacts well in some situations and stupid in others and that's not me saying the AI is bad, far from it actually
I know you probably can't make it too difficult, but i don't understand how he can sniff you out when you're hiding in lockers - even when you hold back and your breath, but can't smell you when your on the other side of box or something like 1 ft away from him
Not so sure he's smelling... maybe he's listening? We still have no idea how they hunt, either by sound or pheromones.
Not so sure he's smelling... maybe he's listening? We still have no idea how they hunt, either by sound or pheromones.
it's a long and slow paced game, make sure you set enough time & mood for it. it's around 20 hours long.
you know you can't hide from the Alien no matter what you do right? it's only when he's in good mood he pretends he didn't know you are there and walks off. The movie Ripley was one of the lucky ones where Mr.Alien was in a good mood.
does he actually sniff you out in the game? maybe it's one of those random chances on higher difficulty to make it more suspense. but the fact that you can't just open the locker door & slam the alien like in MGS & run away makes it pointless.
Good to know. How is this compared to the first Dead Space?
Is that an actual fact?
That it always knows you're there i mean
Very true, i suppose i thought it was sniffing you out due to the way it acts when it's searching the locker, but it could be listening
If you make the slightest movement on the analog stick it rags the door off so it might very well be hearing as apposed to smelling
Good to know. How is this compared to the first Dead Space?
Every time i heard it in the vents above me I'd run and hide in a locker. I wasted so much time just hiding in a locker for no reason whatsoever
This is at the beginning when it hadn't actually revealed itself properly to the point where it would come to get you
Also when you first get to the tram center i was just sprinting from one end to the other and it was just there when i turned the corner, **** a brick
For the hellva it, I tried the shotgun on the Xeno instead of the flamethrower... it didn't work. The only thing to scare it off is pipebombs and the flamethrower from my experience. Didn't try molotovs yet though.
Good to know. How is this compared to the first Dead Space?