Alien: Isolation

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If you're talking about the deleted scene in the director's cut, the alien was turning Dallas and Brett into eggs to spawn more facehuggers, which would in turn spawn more aliens. "Egg morphing"

Exactly. Just as... nevermind. :slap
If you're talking about the deleted scene in the director's cut, the alien was turning Dallas and Brett into eggs to spawn more facehuggers, which would in turn spawn more aliens. "Egg morphing"


The idea of the aliens being giant bugs with "nests" and a queen didn't come around until Aliens.

I kinda hate that Cameron took it in a different in direction. This seems so much more horrifying to go through then simply being facehugger'd.

I completed this last night finally. I loved it, although I found the game's pace was screwed up half way through. The ending was a little meh to me.

I tried Crew Expendable, and died within the first 5 minutes.
I kinda hate that Cameron took it in a different in direction. This seems so much more horrifying to go through then simply being facehugger'd.
It's also much more "alien". In the first film the alien is truly unique to itself. It's something that no one else could have imagined. It was so horrifying because we couldn't compare it to anything. We didn't know what to expect from it.

Don't get me wrong, I love the queen and Winston's alien warrior designs, but I hate that the whole concept of the alien was basically dumbed down and became relatable to something we already have here on Earth.
It's also much more "alien". In the first film the alien is truly unique to itself. It's something that no one else could have imagined. It was so horrifying because we couldn't compare it to anything. We didn't know what to expect from it.

Don't get me wrong, I love the queen and Winston's alien warrior designs, but I hate that the whole concept of the alien was basically dumbed down and became relatable to something we already have here on Earth.


I feel the exact same way. It also feels like the Xeno in Alien was more artificially produced rather than be an actual race in Aliens.

But it seems like the Prometheus part of the Alien series, the Xenos were created in a cluster ****, round about way.

I feel the exact same way. It also feels like the Xeno in Alien was more artificially produced rather than be an actual race in Aliens.

But it seems like the Prometheus part of the Alien series, the Xenos were created in a cluster ****, round about way.

It never seemed to me anyway, that the Xenomorphs had a consistent backstory.... it seems to change to much for my liking
It never seemed to me anyway, that the Xenomorphs had a consistent backstory.... it seems to change to much for my liking

They were biological weapons in Alien according to Ridley, but it's never specifically said what they are in any film.
They were biological weapons in Alien according to Ridley, but it's never specifically said what they are in any film.

Yeah I got that part... but they really ****ed things up with Prometheus.... now they need another movie to explain that movie and maybe they could tie it in with Alien with an explanation as well :ohbfrank:

Yeah I got that part... but they really ****ed things up with Prometheus.... now they need another movie to explain that movie and maybe they could tie it in with Alien with an explanation as well :ohbfrank:


Prometheus would of been so much better if they stuck with the original script, since it was a direct prequel. The Deacon screws up so much lore behind the Xenomorph.
We don't have the full picture yet, so we don't know if they "screwed things up".

If I remember correctly, in the Furious Gods documentary they state that the idea is that the engineers have a wide variety of biomechanical weapons/creations. The traditional Xenomorph seen in Alien is just one of them.

I'd guess the black goo is like the apex of their creations, and that through it they can unleash every weapon they've designed.

This is concept art of the full-grown Deacon. The "Ultramorph". Wish we could have seen this in the film, or hopefully in the sequel.

What doesn't make any sense is, the Derelict on LV 426 was supposed to of been there for thousands of years right? But it had fully formed Facehugger eggs in the bomb bay. But it seemed like the only thing that the Engineers made up until that point might of been Deacons since you see the Deacon sculpture in the ampule storage room.
Prometheus would of been so much better if they stuck with the original script, since it was a direct prequel. The Deacon screws up so much lore behind the Xenomorph.

But, isn't the Deacon an entirely different creature from the Xenomorph? It wasn't engineered in any way by the Space Jockeys (as it's normally assumed that the Jockeys created the Xenos as biological weapons). The deacon was really just accident; David spiked Hallow's liquor with the black liquid --> Halloway got Shaw pregnant --> Shaw gave birth to the trilobite --> the trilobite impregnated the Engineer --> the Engineer gave birth to the Deacon.

What doesn't make any sense is, the Derelict on LV 426 was supposed to of been there for thousands of years right? But it had fully formed Facehugger eggs in the bomb bay. But it seemed like the only thing that the Engineers made up until that point might of been Deacons since you see the Deacon sculpture in the ampule storage room.

But, I thought that was the picture of a Xenomorph, and not the Deacon :lol.
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Here's the thing I don't get, though. If the Jockeys were actually engineering Deacons, instead of Xenomorphs, and if there's a precise biological methodology in how they're formed, then how the did David figure all of it out? :lol
I really hope the whole process in forming the Deacon has nothing to do with how the Xenos come about. It's such a convoluted cluster ****. I hope it's just an entirely different breed of the Xeno, and the Deacon isn't the progenitor of the race.