Well I'm late to the party, Ive quoted you Col so that all pictures on on the front page, thanks for saving me a job
I think this looks great, the teeth are really well done, I hope the big chaps will end up more in line with these before release. Price is $20 more than the P1 was, he had more detail imo but given inflation etc it seems a very fair price... I'm certainly in for both so far. I still much prefer the big chap as a creature design but who can resist such a great looking warrior
would appreciate it if someone, more in the know, could explain the main differences apart from size.
Col, they are pretty different when you really look at them in detail. Essentially the Big chap has a translucent dome with the skull visible inside it, this is why I love the Big chap, it looks so creepy and menacing, it truly is one of the, if not the best creature ever designed (And I'm a massive Predator fan boy speaking here) It is also the original and the classic. The warrior has no dome and no visible skull. It is more brown colored and less streamlined as it is covered in ridges etc. It comes down to personal preference but frankly you owe it to yourself to get both

Even I hadn't realised there was a significant size difference but I hope the warrior isn't too small.
The Big Chap LSB is bigger than the Alien Warrior LSB (due to the fact that as a species the Big Chap is bigger than Alien Warriors, so the were done in scale to reflect that), so pricing between the two may not be the same...but we'll see.
Big Chap will be making his appearance for Pre-Order in the near future but most likely not during Spooktacular.
Alex, nice to see you hanging around here, can we assume you're an Alien fan then?

Could you give us the size of this? we'll find out in a few days anyway but you know how impatient we are. The big chap looks to be about 17" next to that engineer, is this significantly smaller then?
Also, thanks for the heads up of the big chap, I'll save my mouse button a little wear now I don't have to refresh throughout the spook. was it planned to be released later or is it delayed to make changes to the teeth? That would be the icing on the cake I think and I think we'd all wait as long as it takes. You guys nailed the warriors nashers! The Big chap deserves the same
Very excited for this line. SS have impressed so far. Hope the production pieces do.