Aliens Colonial Marines

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I'm still interested, despite all the negativity. I'm not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination. However I am a huge Alien fan, and I'm hoping my passion for the subject matter will makeup for any technical issues. I'm curious to hear more opinions once this is officially released and more folks have played it.
I'm still interested, despite all the negativity. I'm not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination. However I am a huge Alien fan, and I'm hoping my passion for the subject matter will makeup for any technical issues. I'm curious to hear more opinions once this is officially released and more folks have played it.

I wont give my verdict till I played and beat the game.
And this is why I don't let me emotions rule mt wallet, and I don't pre-order any games, much less expensive collectors editions, unless a game absolutely feels like it will be a sure thing. And few games, and very few developers, tend to rate that with me.

Served me well in the past, served me well again here.

Damn shame though. Would have loved to finally have a quality Aliens game again. Oh well, if it's at least decent I might grab it when it drops in price, or when the likely inevitable complete edition rolls around next year.
I'm still interested, despite all the negativity. I'm not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination. However I am a huge Alien fan, and I'm hoping my passion for the subject matter will makeup for any technical issues. I'm curious to hear more opinions once this is officially released and more folks have played it.

Same. Got me through Duke Nukem: Forever just fine.
I got it on sale for $37 so don't feel too bad if it doesn't turn out good.

There's going to be a major game every week for like the next two months, so things are looking good. (minus 1 week where there isn't)
hey man ! what system are you playing it?
xbox 360

But i dont feel like its one of thoes games where graphics matter. There is one or two nice shots to be had. Like when you are outside the colony on lv426 and all the hills are shaped like they are in Alien. Or on the Sulaco when you get a good shot of the planet below with bits of scrap and carnage floating around. But its mostly spoiled because you pretty much get shoe horned through alot of the areas in the game. It times you with the threat of an explosion, hordes of Xenos or something else. Outside of a few Xeno variants you are constantly fighting the same thing in the same dark looking rooms or corridors with this.

You might even like it. Its just not my cup of tea.
xbox 360

But i dont feel like its one of thoes games where graphics matter. There is one or two nice shots to be had. Like when you are outside the colony on lv426 and all the hills are shaped like they are in Alien. Or on the Sulaco when you get a good shot of the planet below with bits of scrap and carnage floating around. But its mostly spoiled because you pretty much get shoe horned through alot of the areas in the game. It times you with the threat of an explosion, hordes of Xenos or something else. Outside of a few Xeno variants you are constantly fighting the same thing in the same dark looking rooms or corridors with this.

You might even like it. Its just not my cup of tea.

That sounds fine to me, I expect to see a few aliens in an Aliens game. :lol
So do i. But the whole point of Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 was the slow build to the horror. You only have about 5 minutes in this and thats it. No Horror at all.

The marine campaign on AVP started a whole lot better to bring the scares.
When no reviews come out as a result of the publisher not alowing it, that pretty much sums up the game.
When no reviews come out as a result of the publisher not alowing it, that pretty much sums up the game.

yea you are right.
I have the feeling IGN is going to hack this game tomorrow.
love how they have them over, they have a live presentation, they look like they are having a great time being friends and then review day they back stab them.

remeber duke nukem forever.
I cant wait for that review tomorrow.
Seen a review which gave it a 5/10, I'm jumping off this fiery locomotive and using the money for this to add on to Metal Gear Rising.