Aliens,Predator and Terminator Q&A (Anything!)

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Yautja/Hish was both from the comics and novels. Die hards know this but I agree with Blade just plain old Predator works for me.
Yautja/Hish was both from the comics and novels. Die hards know this but I agree with Blade just plain old Predator works for me.

Works fine foe me too. But Hish sounds pretty damn cool. Like Xenomorphs. Don't really like calling them Aliens all the time. Too generic which bring too many different things to mind.
Well, yeah. While they really should be called Predators, it's nice to have a more specific name for them. "Alien" and "Predator" are just generic catchy titles. If I had to choose between the two available scientific names, Hish would be my choice. Just hearing it sounds brutal and primal.
Well, yeah. While they really should be called Predators, it's nice to have a more specific name for them. "Alien" and "Predator" are just generic catchy titles. If I had to choose between the two available scientific names, Hish would be my choice. Just hearing it sounds brutal and primal.

Yea when I hear Hish I think of "one nasty mofo."

Alien Vs. Predator could mean a drunk illegal Mexican fighting a tiger with a stick or something. :lol
Could this be a pred ear on the side of his head or just odd size dred holes?

Is something about a new predator maquette ? I don´t talk about the news pred on "Predators" film, i want something of previous films as Predator 2 or AVP series.
Just watched alien again and was thinking, is it ever actually established that they're afraid of fire? I know they had the flame throwers but just because thats all they could really manage, as they didnt have weapons on the ship. Just curious as the more i think about it (plus some things i read in another thread) make me think the alien really was indestructible.
No one actually managed to use a flamethrower on the Alien in the first film. But the marines were using them in Aliens and Ripley held the Queen at bay with one and since Aliens is a perfectly acceptable part of the canon to me I shall assume that yes, the aliens do retreat from fire....and furthermore that they aren't indestructible; the only reason the first Alien got away with killing the entire crew of the Nostromo was because they had no guns and if they did they might have been too afraid to fire them and risk a hull breach.
The reason i asked was because i was thinking in aliens ripley says the last one was scared of fire, and i was wondering how she'd know if she never got a chance to actually find out. But i may have been thinking of alien 3. As for aliens being canon, i cant really decide whether i consider it or not, as the creatures seem to far removed from the original. Maybe its just me. That said, i do still love aliens as a movie, just not in the same way as i love alien.
so what happened to Reese's body afterwards in terminator, where was he buried, how did the authorities establish next to kin since he was from the future?
Yea I believe he wasn't born yet in the first movie so they wouldn't have any files on him at all if they finger printed him or checked his dental records. I doubt DNA was a big thing in 1984 yet.
yeah I always wondered what happened to Kyle and how the shards of endoskeleton were disposed of.
What's the correct color of an Alien egg? Preferably from Aliens.
I'm watching the movie and some shots it looks like they are green and some look tan.
Anyone have clear pics of the original props or lighted movie stills?